Angelica was born on May 6, 2018, and she was absolutely breathtaking. She had a unique and lovely heart-shaped port wine stain on her face, a charming button nose, and beautiful eyes. But unfortunately, not everyone saw the beauty in her birthmark.

Despite the love and support of friends and relatives, Marianna Bowering, Angelica’s mother, had to face insensitive remarks about her daughter’s appearance. One hurtful comment that stood out was when someone questioned if Angelica’s face had been forced onto a skillet. These thoughtless words only added to the family’s challenges.

But Marianna was determined to make sure her daughter grew up knowing that she was beautiful just the way she was. In a remarkable show of love and support, Marianna decided to imitate Angelica’s birthmark on her own face using makeup. She wanted to send a powerful message that Angelica’s birthmark, and by extension her uniqueness, should be celebrated.

Inspired by vascular birthmark awareness day, where people are encouraged to paint a heart on their cheeks, Marianna took it a step further. She meticulously recreated Angelica’s port wine stain using her own makeup. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about a mother’s unwavering love.

Marianna was tired of people suggesting that Angelica’s birthmark would fade with time or that she could simply cover it up with makeup. These comments only deepened her frustration. Why should her daughter be made to conceal her inherent beauty instead of embracing it? It was a painful reminder of the harsh beauty standards society imposes, but it also highlighted the importance of acceptance and love.

From the very beginning, Marianna and her husband never saw their daughter’s birthmark as something to be ashamed of. They actively taught Angelica to celebrate her uniqueness. And to add a touch of sparkle to Angelica’s birthmark, Marianna even added glitter to make it shine.

While Angelica is a healthy child, it’s important to note that children with port wine stains on their faces are at risk of serious health issues. Regular check-ups, especially for her eyes, are crucial to ensure her well-being.

So, Angelica, remember this always: You are stunning just the way you are. Never let anyone convince you otherwise. And Marianna, thank you for being an amazing mother and constantly reassuring your daughter that her birthmark is nothing short of beautiful. Your love and acceptance will shape Angelica’s future with confidence and self-love.