Embracing Natural Beauty: A Revolution in Beauty Standards

Melisa Raouf, a brave contestant in the Miss England pageant, made history by competing without wearing makeup. At just 20 years old, she challenged society’s narrow definition of beauty and sparked a global movement encouraging women to embrace their natural beauty.

The Pressure to Conform

Raouf revealed that she used to spend hours perfecting her cosmetics, feeling pressured to conform to society’s expectations. But after years of feeling insecure, she decided to take a stand against unrealistic beauty standards. She believes that women should not be scrutinized for not conforming to these standards.

A Voice Against Manipulation

Skin-positive activists have been critical of the beauty industry for using manipulated photographs to advertise products and perpetuating insecurities among women. Raouf, a political science student at King’s College London, aims to inspire women who have felt unqualified in society’s eyes.

Making History

Raouf earned her spot in the Miss England competition by winning the optional Miss London Bare Face Top Model competition earlier this year. This competition, introduced in 2019, requires contestants to share a photo of themselves without makeup on social media. Raouf’s decision to go makeup-free in the finals challenged the norms and created a significant impact.

Empowering Others

Before the finals, Raouf participated in a 10-kilometer race and litter cleanup in London to raise money for Beauty with a Purpose, a charity affiliated with Miss World. Inspired by her journey, she also created the #barefacetrendmovement, connecting with a group of women interested in promoting skin positivity.

A Transformation in Beauty Perception

Elle Seline, who made history last year by competing in the Ms. Great Britain competition without using cosmetics, praised Raouf for her decision. Seline believes that this marks a revolution in the perception of beauty. She foresees society experiencing a significant transformation in the way beauty is perceived.

Change and Acceptance

Although Jessica Gagen won the Miss England crown on Monday night, Raouf’s message remained powerful in her final speech. She emphasized the need for change and acceptance of women as they are, regardless of age or background. Raouf’s journey has taught her that self-love and acceptance are far more significant than wearing makeup or using filters.

Join the Movement

The movement for genuine skin love has been steadily growing, surprising even real-skin influencers who were initially concerned about negative feedback. The hashtags #bareface and #skinpositivity, now popular on Instagram, demonstrate the expansion of this movement. People are embracing unedited, unfiltered images and celebrating their natural beauty.

Raouf’s bold decision to compete in the Miss England pageant without makeup has sparked a global movement, encouraging women to embrace their natural beauty. Her journey serves as a powerful reminder that self-love and acceptance are the true sources of beauty, surpassing any external enhancements. Together, let’s embrace our natural beauty and celebrate our uniqueness.