Feeling safe and secure in our own homes is an absolute must, especially as we grow older. Our homes should be our sanctuary, a place where we can relax and unwind without any worries. But with the ever-evolving tactics of criminals, it’s essential to stay informed and be proactive in protecting our homes and loved ones.

The “Rubber Band” Technique: A Growing Concern

Recently, a Texas woman named Kim Fleming Cernigliaro shared her unsettling experience to raise awareness about a new method burglars are using to break into homes. One day, when Kim was alone at home, there was an unexpected knock on her door. As the knocking intensified, she became unsure and decided to keep the door closed – a wise choice. Taking no chances, Kim patiently waited for a while before finally inspecting the situation.

To her surprise, she discovered a rubber band on the door handle when she opened it. This left her perplexed and concerned, prompting her to contact the police. What she learned was alarming – other residents in the area had also found rubber bands on their doorknobs.

How the Rubber Band Method Works

The authorities explained that thieves use this unusual technique with a specific purpose in mind. Here’s how it works: when someone answers the door and removes the latch to open it, the rubber band remains attached. This effectively keeps the latch open, making it easier for burglars to gain entry into the home. Shockingly, this means that homeowners are unable to close and lock the door, leaving them vulnerable and defenseless.

Sharing Knowledge, Building Safety

Kim’s experience has compelled her to spread the word about this growing trend. She urges everyone to exercise extra caution when opening the door for a stranger. By sharing this information, we can empower ourselves and our loved ones to stay one step ahead of burglars.

To further disseminate this important message, please take a moment to share this article with your family and friends on Facebook. Together, we can work towards creating a safer community.

Stay Informed, Stay Vigilant

Protecting our homes and ensuring the safety of our loved ones should always be a top priority. Staying informed and being aware of new burglary techniques is crucial in this endeavor. Let us pledge to remain vigilant in safeguarding our homes. By sharing this knowledge, we can unite against criminal activity and preserve our peace of mind.

Remember, together, we can make a difference. Stay safe!