
Welcome to the amazing journey of a couple who decided to travel around the United States in an Airstream trailer accompanied by their beloved goat. Get ready to be inspired and join them on their unique adventure!

Embracing Freedom and Adventure

Setting Out on the Open Road

Are you tired of the same old routine? Looking for a way to break free from the monotony of daily life? Meet Jim and Carol, a couple in their golden years who decided to embark on an extraordinary journey across the US. They packed their bags, hitched up their Airstream trailer, and hit the road with their adorable goat, Daisy.

A Different Kind of Companion

You might be wondering, why did they bring a goat along? Well, Daisy is not just any ordinary goat. She is their faithful and lovable companion, who adds an extra touch of charm to their travels. Daisy loves exploring new places, meeting new people, and grazing on the lush green fields they encounter along the way.

Discovering Hidden Gems

Unforgettable Experiences

Jim and Carol have had the opportunity to visit breathtaking landscapes, charming small towns, and bustling cities. From the majestic mountains of Colorado to the stunning beaches of California, they have experienced the diversity and beauty of America firsthand.

Connecting with Locals

One of the highlights of their journey has been the chance to connect with locals from all walks of life. Whether it’s sharing stories around a campfire, learning about regional traditions, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee at a local diner, Jim and Carol have found warmth and friendship wherever they go.

Lessons Learned on the Road

Embracing Change

Traveling with a goat has taught Jim and Carol to be flexible and adaptable. They have learned to embrace change, overcome challenges, and find joy in the unexpected. Their journey has shown them that life is an adventure, and it’s never too late to pursue your dreams.

Living in the Moment

In a world that often feels rushed and chaotic, Jim and Carol have learned the importance of slowing down and savoring each moment. Whether it’s watching a stunning sunset from their Airstream or simply enjoying the company of Daisy, they have discovered the beauty of being fully present.

Join the Adventure!

Start Your Own Journey

Are you ready to embark on your own adventure? It’s never too late to explore, discover, and create lasting memories. Whether you choose to travel in an Airstream or pursue a different path, remember that life is meant to be lived to the fullest.

Follow Their Journey

If you want to stay updated on Jim and Carol’s travels, be sure to follow their blog and social media channels. Get inspired by their stories, photos, and videos as they continue their quest to explore the wonders of America.


Jim and Carol’s journey is a testament to the spirit of adventure and the joy of embracing the unknown. They have shown us that age is just a number, and that it’s never too late to chase your dreams. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your own adventure today!


Meet Frankie, the most well-traveled goat in the United States. This pygmy/Nigerian dwarf cross has explored over 25 states and traveled over 50,000 miles with her owners, Cate and Chad Battles. Despite being an unusual travel companion, Frankie has seamlessly adapted to life on the road and has become an integral part of their journey. Join us as we delve into the exciting adventures of Frankie and her devoted owners.

A Surprising Travel Buddy

Pet goat Frankie spends several months of the year traveling around the US in an Airstream with her owners Cate and Chad Battles.

Cate had always dreamed of having a pet goat, and her wish came true when a friend gifted Frankie to her. Since then, Frankie has become an inseparable member of their family. When the Battles decided to embark on a new chapter of their lives as empty nesters, they chose to travel and explore new places. They purchased a 1976 Airstream Argosy, renovated it together, and hit the road with Frankie by their side.

Exploring Together

The Battles say that their travels revolve around Frankie, but they wouldn't have it any other way.

Frankie’s presence has influenced the Battles’ travel plans, and they have visited various destinations across the United States. From the deserts of the Southwest to the lush forests of the Pacific Northwest, Frankie has experienced it all. The Battles particularly enjoy visiting pet-friendly areas, such as the desert, where Frankie can roam freely. They have even gained a significant following on Instagram, with over 20,000 followers.

Challenges and Adaptations

Frankie takes a stroll during a 2020 visit to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

Traveling with a pet goat comes with its challenges. The Battles invest a significant amount of time researching pet-friendly places, especially restaurants, bars, and hiking trails. They ensure that Frankie is accommodated for and can enjoy the journey as much as they do. National parks, known for their stunning hiking trails, often have restrictions on pets. To overcome this, the Battles take turns exploring solo and then reunite for family hikes on public land.

Responsible Traveling

Cate admits that Frankie is "incredibly spoiled," and is treated to a sliced banana for breakfast every morning.

As responsible travelers, the Battles prioritize adhering to regulations and respecting the environment. They avoid areas where goats are prohibited to prevent the spread of diseases and maintain a healthy separation between domesticated goats and wild animals. To ensure that Frankie can accompany them on trails, they obtain special permission by contacting park superintendents in advance.

A Cherished Companion

Frankie’s presence has not only enriched the Battles’ travel experiences but has also connected them with other goat owners. They arrange local playdates for Frankie to interact with her own kind, although she often considers herself more human than goat. While their adventures have taken them through numerous states, they have yet to venture outside the United States due to strict animal transportation regulations. However, they find solace in the vastness of their own country, which offers endless opportunities for exploration.

In conclusion, Frankie the goat has brought joy and adventure to the lives of Cate and Chad Battles. Their unique bond and shared experiences have captured the hearts of many, making Frankie the most well-traveled goat in the United States. Whether it’s hiking through breathtaking landscapes or connecting with fellow goat enthusiasts, Frankie continues to inspire others to embrace adventure and follow their dreams.

Are you ready to embark on an exciting adventure? If you’re between the ages of 45 and 65, we have the perfect lifestyle choice for you. Imagine exploring the vast beauty of this country, all while enjoying the comforts of your own home on wheels.

Meet the Battles, a couple who have fully embraced the Airstream lifestyle. After seven years of living in their Airstream trailer full-time, they couldn’t imagine going back to a traditional house. And it’s not hard to see why.

“When you own a house, that’s your place,” says Cate Battle. “You see the same scenery every day. You don’t really get to experience a whole lot. And you’ll spend most of your time indoors. I think having the Airstream kind of gives you the opportunity to see the country in an affordable way.”

With an Airstream, you have the freedom to travel and explore at your own pace. No more being tied down to one location. The Battles have found that this lifestyle has been life-changing for them. They’ve had the opportunity to see the country like never before, and it’s been an incredible experience.

Of course, living life on the road isn’t without its challenges. The Battles have had to spend a lot of time maintaining their trailer, which often attracts attention from curious onlookers. But despite the occasional setbacks, they are itching to get back out there and continue their adventures.

Their next destination? Arizona and Southern California, before crossing over to Baja, Mexico. The Battles can’t wait to explore new places and create lasting memories along the way. And they have some furry companions joining them on their journey.

Frankie, their beloved goat, has adapted well to life in the Airstream. She loves exploring the world with her human companions and enjoys every moment of their travels. The Battles believe in the importance of lifelong companionship with their animals, which is why they made it work with Frankie.

While they wouldn’t necessarily recommend this lifestyle to other goat owners, the Battles have found their own unique way to make it work. It’s all about finding what works best for you and your furry friends.

So, if you’re ready for an adventure of a lifetime, consider the Airstream lifestyle. It’s a friendly and easy way to explore the country, tailored to those between 45 and 65 years old. Get ready to hit the open road and create memories that will last a lifetime. Happy travels!