The airline industry has had its fair share of challenges in recent years. Dealing with frustrated passengers can be tough, especially when flight attendants need to keep a smile on their face. But every now and then, they have the perfect opportunity to speak their mind, resulting in some truly memorable moments. And that’s exactly what happened when a male flight attendant had a hilarious encounter with a snobbish and pushy passenger. Get ready to laugh out loud!

Putting a Snob in Her Place

During one flight, a gay flight attendant had a unique way of handling a demanding passenger who refused to comply with instructions. This woman not only ignored the flight attendant’s request to raise her tray for landing, but she also spoke down to him in a condescending manner. Little did she know, she was about to get served a witty response that would put her in her place.

Spreading Joy and Laughter

The flight was being served by a flamboyantly gay flight attendant who seemed to bring joy to everyone on board with his outgoing personality. As he went up and down the aisle, serving food and drinks, he had a way of making people smile.

A Memorable Announcement

As the plane prepared to descend, the flight attendant made an announcement that caught everyone’s attention:

“Captain Marvey has asked me to let you know that he’ll be landing the big scary plane shortly. So, lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super.”

His humorous approach to announcements put a smile on everyone’s faces, except for one passenger.

Challenging the “Princess”

While making his way back up the aisle, the flight attendant couldn’t help but notice that a well-dressed and exotic-looking young woman had not lifted a finger to comply with the tray-up request.

“Perhaps you didn’t hear me over those big brute engines, but I asked you to raise your tray so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground,” he said, trying to appeal to her sense of humor.

To which the confident passenger calmly turned her head and replied, “In my country, I am called a Princess, and I take orders from no one.”

The Perfect Comeback

Without missing a beat, the flight attendant responded:

“Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country, I’m called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray up, Bitch.”

The entire cabin erupted with laughter as the flight attendant effortlessly put the snobbish passenger in her place. Everyone witnessed a perfectly executed comeback that left no room for further argument.

A Lesson in Humility

This memorable encounter serves as a reminder that arrogance and entitlement have no place in a shared space like an airplane. It’s a situation where everyone should cooperate and follow instructions for a safe and pleasant flight experience.


Next time you’re on a flight, remember that flight attendants have tough jobs, but sometimes they have the opportunity to respond to difficult passengers in the most epic and hilarious ways. This encounter between a flight attendant and a snobbish passenger showcases the power of wit in putting someone in their place while bringing joy to others. So, let’s all raise our trays and fly with a friendly and cooperative spirit!