A heartwarming story of resilience and triumph has captured the attention of millions on social media. Lohanny Santos, a 26-year-old Gen-Z TikToker, recently landed a job after a tearful video she posted went viral. In the emotional video, Santos can be seen wandering the streets of New York City with a stack of resumes, desperately searching for employment.

The video struck a chord with viewers, amassing over 25 million views. Santos bared her soul, expressing her desire to become a successful TikToker. Little did she know that her candid moment of vulnerability would open doors to new opportunities.

Last week, Santos announced that she is now employed as a part-time social media consultant for filmmaker Adam Faze. Faze is known for his innovative television shows created specifically for TikTok. Santos is elated about her new role, which allows her to exercise her creativity and collaborate with Faze on various social media projects.

As she continues to document her journey, Santos shared a behind-the-scenes glimpse of one of Faze’s upcoming shows. The set resembled an authentic New York City bodega, bringing Santos’ dreams of being in front of the camera to life. This new project also inspired Santos to pitch her own show, titled “Part Timy Lohanny,” where she explores different part-time jobs suggested by her TikTok followers.

Santos’ path to success hasn’t been easy. Raised in Elizabeth, New Jersey, Santos and her family relied on government assistance programs like food stamps and Medicaid to make ends meet. Her mother, an immigrant from Brazil, faced additional challenges. Santos had to navigate the college application process on her own and work as a resident’s assistant to afford her education at Pace University.


I got tear stains on my resume 😔😔😔 #nyc #unemployed

♬ original sound – Lohanny

Despite holding degrees in acting and communications, Santos struggled to secure a job. The unexpected response to her viral video proved that sometimes, sharing one’s struggles out loud can lead to unexpected opportunities. Through her vulnerability, Santos connected with a supportive community of young people facing similar hardships.

In addition to celebrating her own achievements, Santos is using her platform to encourage others to persevere in the face of adversity. Her message is clear: never give up. By sharing her own story and speaking openly about her struggles, Santos hopes to inspire others to do the same and seek help when needed.

Santos acknowledges the skeptics who questioned the authenticity of her journey, labeling her an “industry plant.” However, she remains steadfast in her truth, recounting her difficult upbringing and the constant financial worries she and her family endured.

Santos’ message of hope resonates with people of all ages, reminding us that resilience knows no bounds. Her story is a testament to the power of authenticity and the importance of reaching out to others for support. Through her viral video, Santos not only found a job but also discovered her voice and the ability to make a positive impact on others.

So, the next time life throws obstacles in your path, remember Lohanny Santos’ advice: never give up. Keep pushing forward, share your struggles, and you might just find the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. After all, as Santos charmingly puts it, “If I didn’t post that video, I don’t know if I would have been able to find a job today or right now or soon after the video.”