For many of us, it’s not uncommon to come home and find our house or yard in a bit of a mess. Whether it’s our kids, pets, or just the general chaos of life, things can get disheveled pretty quickly. But usually, these little surprises don’t make us stop and think twice about them.

However, after hearing about a warning that one woman received for finding food scraps in her front yard, I might start paying closer attention to these unusual occurrences. Maria Celino-Straker from Manchester, UK, discovered a can of red beans outside her doorway one day. At first, she thought it was just a prank by some neighborhood kids or maybe a fox had dragged it there from a bin.

But then, a relative who happened to be a police officer gave her a new perspective. They explained that leaving food scraps or other items on someone’s doorstep could be a tactic used by thieves to determine if the homeowner is away. They wait to see if the trash is cleaned up or taken away. If it is, it suggests that someone is home, and the thief moves on. But if the trash is left untouched, it signals that the homeowner is likely away, making their property an easy target.

Maria took it upon herself to share this information on Facebook, hoping to educate others about this simple trick used by thieves. And I, for one, am grateful she did!

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