I have to admit, I’m not a fan of creepy crawlies in my house. During the winter months, it feels like I’m constantly checking every corner for spiders and other pests. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to harm them, I just want to know which room they’re in so I can stay away.

So you can imagine my fright when I came across a particular image on Facebook. It showed a strange-looking “egg” that had supposedly formed in someone’s home. People were speculating left and right about what it could be.

If you’re anything like me, you know that heart-in-mouth feeling when you see a spider in your house. Ever since I was a young boy, I’ve had a strong aversion to these eight-legged creatures. I’ll even run away from bees, wasps, and certain species of ants.

Now, I know that spiders pose little threat to me. Thankfully, I don’t live in a country where spiders can be deadly. But that knowledge doesn’t make me any braver.

Imagine my horror when I saw a photo on Facebook that nearly made me sick. It showed a supposed “egg” that a woman found in her home, in the corner where the walls and ceilings meet. Many commenters were convinced it had to be a large spider’s egg, possibly containing spider babies.

The woman who shared the photo had no idea what this strange yellow ball was. She also didn’t know if there were more hiding in the deeper, darker parts of her home.

But the mystery behind the “egg” turned out to be much less exciting than anticipated. According to reports, the woman’s father came to visit and immediately pointed out that it was nothing more than expanding foam used on the house’s roof. You can imagine the immense relief I felt when I learned that.

I have to admit, I couldn’t tell just by looking at it that it was expanding foam. Did you know what it was? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


Discovering strange things in our homes can be terrifying, especially when we think they may be something sinister. This story of the supposed spider egg turned out to be nothing more than expanding foam, relieving the fears of many. If you found this article interesting, be sure to check out the links below for more compelling content.