The latest episode of “Red Table Talk” brought together Jaden Smith, along with his parents Will and Jada Pinkett, sister Willow, and grandmother Adrienne Banfield-Norris, to have an open discussion about some health issues that have been impacting their family. In this heartfelt conversation, they shared their personal experiences and sought expert guidance to find solutions.

Jaden, being only 21 years old, revealed that he has been struggling with intense stomach problems and was determined to find a way to overcome them. To support him on his health journey, the family sought the expertise of Dr. Mark Hyman and nutritionist Mona Sharma.

However, Jaden expressed some hesitation about seeking guidance due to the criticism he faced when he adopted a vegan diet. He shared his experience of walking on the street and people approaching him with concerns, thinking he was sick. Despite this, he recognized the importance of prioritizing his health and decided to move forward with the assessment.

During the episode, Dr. Hyman explained that Jaden’s health issues were primarily caused by consuming the wrong types of food. He stressed the significance of making dietary changes and incorporating supplements to address specific deficiencies.

Gluten and dairy were identified as problematic for Jaden, and given his vegetarian lifestyle, there were concerns about vitamin and omega-3 deficiencies as well. Dr. Hyman assured Jaden that once he resolved his stomach issues and adjusted his diet accordingly, he would regain his vitality and continue “rocking the world.”

In September, Jaden’s extreme diet had raised concerns for his parents. He confessed that at one point, he was barely eating two meals a day and feeling unwell overall. His health deteriorated further while he was in Australia, resulting in hospitalization for nausea and dizziness. This intense situation caused deep worry within the family and prompted them to take action.

Since then, Jaden has transitioned to a vegetarian diet, which is a positive step. However, his protein intake remained insufficient, leading his parents to intervene and ensure he gets the necessary nutrients.

The Smith family has always been open about their mental and physical health journey. Recently, Will even shared his personal experience with a colonoscopy, where a polyp was discovered and promptly removed. This highlights the family’s commitment to prioritizing health and wellbeing.

Will emphasized the importance of taking charge of one’s health, acknowledging that it requires commitment and may even be accompanied by feelings of embarrassment. However, he strongly believes in sharing these experiences to inspire others to become proactive in staying healthy and happy, and to enjoy the glorious years that lie ahead.

Through this candid conversation on “Red Table Talk,” Jaden Smith and his family have shown their unwavering commitment to addressing health issues head-on and sharing their experiences to inspire others on their own wellness journeys.