Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter have captivated the world with their extraordinary lives. Their grandson, Josh, revealed that they are now in the “final chapter” of their remarkable journey. Earlier this year, Carter decided to receive hospice care at their home in Plains, Georgia, after several hospital stays. Instead of pursuing further treatment options, his wish was to find comfort surrounded by his loved ones.

Initial reports painted a grim picture, suggesting Carter had only days or weeks to live. However, the former U.S. president and his wife continue to live their lives to the fullest, facing their respective situations with strength and determination. Josh Carter shared with CNN that his grandfather, at nearly 99 years old, is still fully himself and appreciates the love and well-wishes he has received. Despite being diagnosed with dementia, Rosalynn still recognizes her family and forms new memories.

In hospice care, the Carters have been able to engage in activities that bring them joy. Jimmy Carter, in particular, enjoys eating ice cream and cherishes spending quality time with his family. In July, they celebrated their 77th wedding anniversary, making them the longest-married US presidential couple. And come October, Jimmy Carter will reach the remarkable age of 99.

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter’s love and resilience serve as an inspiration to us all. Let us send them all the love and prayers in the world during this time. If you would like to join in sending your well wishes, share this article with others.