Judy Sheindlin, also known as Judge Judy, shares her experience during a live television broadcast.

Imagine being in front of a live audience, ready to present your show, when suddenly, something unexpected happens. This is exactly what happened to Judy Sheindlin, better known as Judge Judy. Despite her years of experience in the courtroom, she was caught off guard by a scary moment during a live presentation.

It was 2011, and Judy was in the midst of dealing with her live audience when she experienced an unexpected episode. She believes she had a transient ischemic attack (TIA), also known as a mini-stroke. Reflecting on this unpleasant occurrence, Judy describes what happened and how her devoted viewers were quick to notice something was wrong.

“They picked up on something amiss,” Judy said about her long-time fans. Without hesitating, they took action and alerted the emergency medical services (EMS). Judy emphasized how important it was for her fans to trust their instincts and act swiftly. She admits that if they had waited for confirmation from her, she would have discouraged them from intervening.

At the time of the incident, the 79-year-old performer found herself in a state of “slowed-down inquiry,” leading the show’s producers to call 911 immediately. Despite her doctor’s concerns about her health, Judy assured everyone that she was in good health and that the symptoms of the mini-stroke had subsided quickly.

Judy’s admirers can now breathe a sigh of relief as she remains in good health and has not experienced any further attacks. In fact, she has even started a new show, “Judy Justice,” where she continues to bring her unique brand of justice to television screens.

When talk arose about retiring from her television duties, Judy’s response was clear: her energy remains unwavering. She is not interested in picking up new hobbies like tennis or golf, nor does she want to learn new games like mahjong, checkers, or chess. She knows what brings her joy, and she wants to focus on that.

“Why would I try to learn something completely new at this point when I already know what brings me joy?” Judy states confidently.

Aside from her successful career, Judy’s personal life is also a source of happiness. She and her husband, Jerry Sheindlin, have been married for an incredible 45 years. While their journey has had its ups and downs, including a brief separation early on, they have managed to reconcile and maintain a peaceful and loving marriage throughout the years.

As Judy continues to captivate audiences with her wit and wisdom both on and off the screen, her resilience and positive outlook serve as an inspiration to us all.