Popular country singer-songwriter Keith Urban recently visited Australia to support the It’s a Bloke Thing Foundation. This charitable event aims to raise awareness and funds for prostate cancer education and research. Keith’s personal connection to the cause, having lost his father Robert to the illness in 2015, has fueled his passion for supporting this important initiative.

Since its inception seven years ago, the It’s a Bloke Thing luncheon has become one of the most successful midday fundraising campaigns in the country. In 2017 alone, generous locals donated over $1.53 million, helping to make a significant impact on prostate cancer research. This year, Keith Urban’s involvement took the event to new heights.

Arriving at Wellcamp Airport, Keith was met with a crowd of 500 enthusiastic spectators, each of whom had paid $1 to be part of this unique occasion. The atmosphere was vibrant as everyone gathered to show their support for prostate cancer research. Keith’s performance, filled with his signature charm and talent, captivated the audience and helped raise an impressive $2,024,000.00.

Keith Urban’s selfless acts of kindness and commitment to the cause have made a tremendous impact on the It’s a Bloke Thing Foundation. With millions of dollars raised to support prostate cancer education and research, this event continues to drive public understanding and awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment.

Prostate cancer affects many families, and Keith Urban’s dedication shines a light on the issue, encouraging more support and funding for those affected. Through his involvement and the generosity of the Australian community, we can make a difference in the fight against prostate cancer.