When her father, Barack Obama, became the 44th President of the United States of America and their family moved into the prestigious residence of The White House, Malia Obama was just a young 10-year-old girl. Making history, Malia became the first child of a U.S. president currently in office. Fast forward to today, at the age of 24, she has grown and achieved remarkable success as a screenwriter.

Throughout the years, Malia has shown remarkable growth not only in her intellectual pursuits but also in her personal style. Gone is the shy little girl who clung to her father’s hand and donned dresses and ribbons. In her place stands an independent and confident adult, with waist-length braids and a distinctive eclectic and casual style.

Recently, Malia was spotted in public in New York with her supposed partner, Dawit Eklund. Keeping a low profile, the former Harvard student wore a big denim shirt and baggy white trousers, concealing his identity. With dark sunglasses shielding her eyes, Malia exuded an air of calmness and composure as they casually strolled through the bustling streets of New York City.

As Malia embarks on a new chapter of her life, her younger sister Sasha has also taken her own steps towards independence. Sasha now attends the University of Southern California, while Malia works as a scriptwriter for one of Donald Glover’s Amazon projects. The sisters have chosen to live together in Brentwood, near Sasha’s college campus, with Malia being the first to settle in Los Angeles.

Barack and Michelle Obama couldn’t be prouder of their daughters’ accomplishments. Earlier this year, when Malia turned 24, Michelle shared a heartfelt and beautifully written tribute on Instagram, offering a glimpse into her daughter’s character. Her message read, “24 years ago, this day became extra special when your magnificent spirit entered our world.” It’s evident that Malia has grown into a poised, kind, and driven individual, filling her parents’ hearts with love and adoration.

Barack Obama also took the opportunity to honor Malia on her birthday, sharing a precious picture of his eldest daughter as a sweet baby on his Instagram account. Accompanying the photo was a heartfelt message, “Happy birthday, Malia! No matter how old you get, what you do with your life, how beautiful you seem, or how gracious you are, you will always be my little daughter. And know that I won’t ever leave your side, no matter what.”

Malia Obama continues to inspire and blaze her own trail, leaving her mark in the world of screenwriting. Her journey from the White House to pursuing her passion is a testament to her determination and talent. As she forges ahead, we can’t help but celebrate and admire the remarkable young woman she has become.