The Queen of the Dark sounds like Marvel’s latest action-packed superhero, which is not far from the truth. The name belongs to a woman of extraordinary uniqueness. According to the Guinness Book of Records, she has the darkest skin in the world. Her gorgeous complexion has unfortunately not been appreciated by all. However, her dreams of becoming a top fashion model surmounted the prejudice, and her gumption led her there. Today we will look at the story of Nyakim Gatwech, the supermodel who goes by, the Queen of Dark. A true hero to every girl with dreams as big as hers in a world that still visibly struggles with racism.

From a Racist Uber Driver, The Queen of Dark Was Born

Born in Nigeria, Nyakim Gatwech was not unfamiliar with racism. the 30-year-old supermodel has worked tooth and nail to get to where she is today, international claim and all. But that hasn’t prevented people from thinking they know what’s best for her. She has faced many scandalous moments of racism with various people. But still, she has come out at the top, thanks to a dedication few others possess.

In one situation, Nyakim interacted with an Uber driver, which she later posted on Instagram. The video soon went viral. In the video, Nyakim recalled the driver asking her whether she would bleach her skin for $10,000. Her response was, “I would never do that. I consider my skin to be a blessing.

Since that viral moment, the Queen of Dark emerged. She gained thousands of new fans, all of whom adored her ability to love herself in a world that exudes self-doubt.  Nyakim is now an advocate for self-love, this is what she preaches in her social media. “When I put a picture up I’m telling people that no matter what you say, I love who I am. I love my skin tone,” said the Queen of Dark. “I’m telling people that I am beautiful even though I look different than the majority of people in this world I live in.”

More Racist Scandals

Nyakim has had to face a lot of backhanded compliments and just downright racist remarks throughout her life. Her skin is of ebony hues, and the Guinness Book of Records has dubbed her as the woman with the darkest skin in the world. Something one university professor took advantage of. Jeffrey Lieberman was a highly respected psychiatrist at Columbia University’s psychiatry department. He was the chairman for a long time until he made a Tweet that not only revealed his true colors, so says a former collaborator of his—but also, got him fired from his prestigious position. “He’s a destructive personality who has done a great deal of damage, who is only now being held accountable after decades of impunity,” said the collaborator.

Liberman made a post about the Queen of Dark, calling her a “freak of nature.” This was after the original post, which referred to her as an “it.” Naturally, this sparked outrage among her fans. The psychiatrist made a comment that his remark was about her Guinness Book of Records title, but it wasn’t enough. He was quickly removed from all positions of power and asked to resign from his high-paying job.

Despite all the racism she faces, Nyakim remains a beacon of self-love. In an interview with Teen Vogue, the Queen of Dark said: “It takes time to love who you are. Be confident in whatever the situation is. If you love yourself other people will see. It will shine through you and then they have the choice to accept you or walk away.”