When it comes to our children, we all like to think they’re the most beautiful things to have ever graced the earth. Of course, as parents, we tend to be a little biased. Our love for them makes us see them through rose-tinted glasses. But there’s one five-year-old from Nigeria who is turning heads and capturing hearts all over the world. Meet Jare, the girl who has been dubbed the “most beautiful in the world”.

When photographer Mofe Bamuyiwai shared pictures of young Jare Ijalana on social media, she never expected the overwhelming response. The images quickly went viral, with people everywhere admiring Jare’s natural beauty. The posts have already received more than 70,000 likes on Instagram, and it’s easy to see why.

Bamuyiwai described her vision behind the photographs: “I want to portray the interception between her childhood and adulthood so both stay timeless! I could have made her smile and make her laugh out loud, but I put her in their natural moments for us to see through their eyes!” Jare isn’t a professional model, but Bamuyiwai wants everyone to see Jare’s powerful potential. She hopes that the photos will speak to Jare when she grows up and realizes her true beauty.

And beauty seems to run in the family. Jare’s older sisters, 7-year-old Jobi and 10-year-old Joba, have also been photographed by Mofe, and they’re just as memorable. Jomi, in particular, impressed Bamuyiwai with her coordination and ability to take direction. She demonstrated that every little girl dreams of becoming a woman.

All children are beautiful in their own way, and they deserve to be told so. Jare, Jobi, and Joba are shining examples of the beauty that lies within each child. So, if you believe in celebrating the beauty of every child, share this article on Facebook and let the world know about these amazing sisters.

Would you let your child be a model? Let us know in the comments below.