Parkinson’s disease problems are described by Michael J. Fox as “I won’t be 80.” -

Michael J. Fox, best known for his role as Marty McFly in Back to the Future, has been an unwavering advocate in the fight against Parkinson’s disease. Despite being diagnosed with the condition at the young age of 29, Fox has managed to maintain a positive outlook and continues to inspire others through his resilience and dedication.

The Gift That Keeps on Taking

In a heartfelt interview with CBS Sunday Morning, Fox described Parkinson’s disease as a “gift that keeps on taking.” While the illness has presented him with numerous challenges and ailments over the years, it has also allowed him to discover the strength within himself and become a beacon of hope for others.

Michael J. Fox

A Lifetime of Advocacy

Since the 1990s, Fox has been tirelessly advocating for increased research and funding to advance treatments and find a cure for Parkinson’s. In 2000, he established the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, which has raised an astonishing $1.75 billion to support groundbreaking studies in the field. One such study, published in April, claimed to have established a biomarker for Parkinson’s disease, marking a significant breakthrough in diagnosis and treatment.

An Emotional Achievement

While his work in movies brought him fame and recognition, it was Fox’s unwavering dedication to the cause that earned him a lifetime achievement award. At the Spring Moving Image Awards in New York City, Fox, accompanied by his loving family, walked the red carpet and accepted the prestigious honor. The ceremony was a poignant and emotional moment for the 61-year-old star.

Michael J. Fox's family

Gratitude and Optimism in the Face of Adversity

Living with Parkinson’s has not been easy for Fox. Each day presents its own set of struggles, from tremors and slow motion to stiff and inflexible muscles. He has sustained numerous injuries from falls, including fractures and a benign tumor on his spine. However, through it all, Fox has found solace in gratitude and optimism. He believes that finding something to be thankful for gives him something to look forward to and allows him to move forward.

A Legacy of Hope

As he announced his retirement in 2020, Fox was honored with the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award at the Governors Awards. This prestigious accolade recognizes his exceptional philanthropic achievements and the impact he has made through his advocacy work. Additionally, Fox is set to produce an Apple TV+ documentary, ensuring that his legacy of hope and determination continues to inspire generations to come.

Michael J. Fox may be living with Parkinson’s disease, but he refuses to let it define him. His unwavering optimism, dedication to finding a cure, and ability to inspire others have made him a true hero in the battle against this debilitating condition. As he once said, “I won’t be 80,” but his impact will be felt for generations to come.