Michael Strahan's daughter Isabella, 19, reveals brain cancer diagnosis

In a recent sit-down interview with Robin Roberts on Good Morning America, Michael Strahan and his daughter Isabella shared the heartbreaking news that she has been diagnosed with brain cancer. Isabella, who is only 19 years old, bravely opened up about her current condition and her upcoming treatment.

Isabella first started experiencing headaches during her first year of college at the University of Southern California. Initially, she attributed it to vertigo, but as her symptoms worsened, she knew something more serious was going on. After waking up one day and vomiting blood, she decided it was time to seek medical attention.

Upon receiving a thorough checkup, Isabella’s doctor discovered a fast-growing tumor the size of a golf ball at the back of her brain. This devastating news left the entire family in shock. Isabella underwent surgery to remove the tumor and then underwent rounds of radiation treatment and a month of rehabilitation.

Despite the difficult journey she has faced so far, Isabella’s perseverance shines through. Recently, she rang the bell at the hospital, symbolizing the end of her treatment sessions. She expressed her excitement, saying, “It was great. It was very exciting because it’s been a long 30 sessions, six weeks.”

Isabella’s determination to not hide her diagnosis any longer is inspiring. She hopes to be a voice for others going through similar experiences, offering support and encouragement during their chemotherapy or radiation treatments.

Michael Strahan, a proud and grateful father, acknowledges the challenges Isabella is facing. However, he firmly believes that they are never given more than they can handle. He reassures Isabella and everyone around her that she is strong enough to overcome this battle.

The Strahan family’s strength and resilience in the face of adversity is truly remarkable. We send our thoughts and well wishes to Isabella as she continues her fight against brain cancer.