Breastfeeding your baby is a natural and common practice among mothers. Sometimes, moms have to breastfeed their babies in public, and that’s exactly what a young mother from Maryland did. Little did she know, someone was secretly making a video of her. When she stumbled upon the video, she had a lot to say.

Izabele Lomax was going about her day, casually using social media, when she came across a video that left her stunned. Upon closer inspection, she realized that she was looking at a video of herself. The post she saw was actually a screenshot of a previous post. Someone had recorded Lomax breastfeeding in public and criticized her for not covering up.

The screenshot was posted by a woman in a breastfeeding support group who expressed her disbelief and frustration. Lomax could relate to her because the mother breastfeeding in the video was indeed her. She had no idea she had been secretly filmed while nurturing her baby.

The person who made the video and posted it claimed that they didn’t intend to shame women breastfeeding in public. Their intention was to shame women who don’t cover themselves up. However, Lomax disagreed with this notion.

In response, Lomax decided to address the woman who recorded her without consent. She posted a video and wrote, “Not only did this woman walk past me multiple times with her son, you had every opportunity in the world to say something to me.” Lomax emphasized that the woman should have spoken to her instead of secretly filming her.

Lomax also pointed out that the woman was sexualizing the act of breastfeeding for her own four-year-old son. This made Lomax question if the woman had her own set of issues. She emphasized that it’s important to educate children about feeding babies in this way.

Lomax’s response gained widespread support, and the original poster eventually deleted the video. People were appalled by the woman’s attempt to teach a lesson to a young breastfeeding mom. One commenter stated, “Who does this lady think needs protection? You just tell your kid, ‘That lady is feeding her baby.’ Then the kid asks some questions, and you answer and move on. You know, like parenting.”

Overall, it’s clear that many people have strong opinions about this incident. What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments and share this story with your friends and family to spark an interesting conversation!