Bullying is a problem that exists all over the world and unfortunately, it is ingrained in our society. As parents and teachers, we strive to teach our children from an early age that bullying is unacceptable in any form. However, completely eradicating it is almost impossible. So, what should we do when we discover that our child is bullying others?

Meet Star, a Texan mom who came up with a rather controversial method of punishing her son after learning about his hurtful behavior towards his classmates. She wanted to put an end to his bullying, and being an “old-school parent” who believes in strong morals, she came up with an unconventional form of admonishment.

Instead of simply scolding him or asking him to apologize to the affected kids, Star made her son wear a t-shirt that read “I AM A BULLY”. She took photos of him in the shirt and uploaded them to Facebook for everyone to see.

Unsurprisingly, her decision has garnered mixed responses. Some people are supportive of her choice of a strong punishment, while others think she may have gone too far.

Star, however, clarified that she did not post the photos on Facebook to embarrass her son. In fact, her intention was to reach out to the parents of the kids her son may have bullied and offer them a personal apology. After receiving negative backlash, she eventually took down the post, but she still stands by her decision.

According to Star, her son has already shown signs of improved behavior. He realized that he didn’t like how it felt to be labeled as a bully and doesn’t want anyone else to feel that way because of his actions. To her, that’s exactly what she wanted him to learn from this experience.

While some experts believe that Star’s actions could do more harm than good, she is convinced that her son has learned a valuable lesson. She believes that he will survive and that he is already treating his sisters and cousins better. For her, the important thing is that he has learned and grown from this incident.

Star’s actions are undoubtedly controversial, but if her son has truly changed for the better, perhaps he has learned a lesson that all children need to learn at some point.

What do you think? Did Star go too far? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to share this article to show your support for the anti-bullying movement. Together, we can create a future where bullying is minimized.