Approximately one in every five couples will, at some time in their lives, experience difficulties conceiving. For many, it’s an extremely difficult and stressful time – but, as others will testify, patience and determination may pay off.

Desiree and Ryan Fortin, a loving couple in their 30s, faced a long and emotional battle with infertility. After trying for three painful years, they decided to turn to in-vitro fertilization (IVF) for help. Little did they know, their journey would soon take an unexpected turn.

Desiree had been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroid, and low progesterone. It was a constant struggle for both her and Ryan, longing for a baby of their own. Infertility treatments brought them tears, shots, bruises, and exhaustion. But they never lost hope.

Their prayers were answered when Desiree became pregnant after their first IVF treatment. Excitement filled their hearts, but they never anticipated what was to come. A routine ultrasound revealed not just one, but three tiny miracles growing inside Desiree’s womb – they were expecting triplets!

The joy of their impending arrival was shadowed by doctors’ concerns. Given Desiree’s petite frame and it being her first pregnancy, the doctors warned that carrying all three babies to term might be difficult. However, Desiree’s hope proved the experts wrong.

In the summer of 2015, after 34 weeks and one day of pregnancy, Desiree delivered her precious triplets via C-section. Sawyer, Jack, and Charlize came into this world weighing over 5 pounds each. Their arrival was a dream come true for the Fortin family.

The road to parenthood, however, wasn’t without its challenges. Desiree faced complications and bleeding, requiring emergency surgery. As she recovered, Ryan shared the incredible moment with her through FaceTime, allowing Desiree to see her little miracles. After two weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit, all three babies were finally able to come home.

Settling into their new life as a family of five was both a blessing and a hard job for Ryan and Desiree. The triplets suffered from severe reflux and colic, making establishing a routine difficult. But amidst the chaos, their love and commitment to each other shone through.

Today, the Fortin triplets are now 7 years old, thriving and bringing immense joy to their family. Desiree shares their life and adventures on her popular Instagram page, where she has garnered a following of 150K. Her story has touched the hearts of many, and she is grateful for the opportunity to inspire and support others facing similar challenges.

In a heartwarming update, Desiree reveals that she and Ryan are expecting again. Soon, this beautiful family of five will become a family of six. Their story is a testament to the power of love, hope, and resilience.

Thank you, Desiree, for sharing your incredible journey and giving hope to others who may be struggling with infertility. Your story is a beacon of light in a world that sometimes feels dim.