The Miss Universe pageant is renowned for its prestigious status in the worldwide pageantry circuit, attracting young women from across the globe who compete for a title that has the potential to change their entire lives.

One contestant, in particular, created quite a buzz this year. While she may not have won the competition, she made history in a different way. Miss Nepal, at 22 years old, became the first plus-sized contestant to ever compete in the Miss Universe pageant. Her unique presence on the stage challenged the standard size expectations of the competition.

Although many people appreciated her beauty and celebrated her different figure, she also faced harsh criticism from those who were unable to appreciate her unique beauty. In an interview, Miss Nepal, whose real name is Jane Dipika Garrett, was candid about her feelings and the path that led her to the Miss Universe stage.

Having dreamt of becoming a model, she had always struggled with self-esteem issues. However, participating in the Miss Universe competition proved to be a transformative experience for her. It gave her newfound confidence and helped her overcome her insecurities.

She was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming applause she received on stage. The young Nepalese contestant confessed that she “wasn’t expecting anything” but chose to compete to represent her country and women all over the world.

While she received support from around the world, Miss Nepal also received hurtful messages. Some of these messages were downright cruel, attacking her appearance and body size. In response to these hurtful comments, Miss Nepal said, “It’s like they don’t even know my story. They don’t even know what I’m going through.”

She bravely revealed that she had been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a condition that causes the ovaries to produce an excessive amount of androgens. This hormonal imbalance can lead to weight gain, irregular menstrual cycles, acne, and excess hair growth. Due to her condition, she had recently gained some weight, which had taken a toll on her mental health and self-esteem. She felt that she wasn’t good enough or beautiful enough because of it.

However, Ms Nepal didn’t let anything deter her from giving her best at the Miss Universe pageant. She prepared extensively and showed her best efforts on stage, determined to challenge stereotypes and secure the title.

It is unfortunate that some people always find something negative to say about another person’s appearance. However, we should learn to ignore them and celebrate the beauty that lies within each individual. Miss Nepal is truly a beautiful person, both inside and out.

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