Planning a wedding can be an overwhelming experience with so many decisions to make. From the venue to the menu, every detail needs to be just right. But one aspect that is particularly important to the bride is the wedding dress. It’s a deeply personal choice and should ultimately be up to the bride to decide. However, one woman is facing a nightmare situation where her future mother-in-law is trying to take control of her dress.

The woman shared her predicament on Reddit, expressing her frustration and lack of support from her fiancé. She explained that her future mother-in-law has been intrusive and difficult throughout the wedding planning process. Despite her efforts to include her in the dress-shopping experience, things took a turn for the worse when the mother-in-law insisted on choosing a dress that aligned with her own vision for the bride.

Feeling uncomfortable and unhappy with the dress her future mother-in-law selected, the woman politely declined and expressed her gratitude for the input but emphasized that she had already found a dress that she loved. Unfortunately, her mother-in-law wasn’t pleased with her decision and complained to her son about being excluded from the dress selection process.

To the woman’s surprise, her fiancé defended his mother’s actions and even went as far as to return the dress she had chosen and replace it with the one his mother wanted. When confronted about his actions, he defended himself by claiming that his mother’s vision for the wedding should be respected. This left the bride-to-be feeling devastated and betrayed.

She sought solace with a friend and her fiancé continued to plead with her to give the new dress a chance. He argued that his mother had good intentions and wanted what was best for the bride. But the woman couldn’t help but question whether it was too much to ask for her own opinion and choices to be respected.

Reddit users rallied behind the bride-to-be, expressing their anger and disbelief at the actions of her fiancé and his mother. Many advised her to reconsider her relationship, as it was clear that her fiancé was not willing to stand up for her or prioritize her feelings over his mother’s. The situation signaled a potential power dynamic that could continue to affect their lives even after the wedding.

In the end, the woman was left feeling hurt and unsure of what to do next. It is a heartbreaking situation for any bride who dreams of her wedding day being a reflection of her own desires and preferences.