47-year-old who was meth addict at 12 graduates from university after getting clean – well done, Ginny

We all encounter difficulties in life, but what truly matters is how we face them with courage and determination. Ginny Burton’s story is a shining example of triumph over adversity, and it is bound to inspire you.

Ginny’s remarkable journey was recently shared by Local12 News, and it’s a story that will touch your heart. Reporter Eric Johnson first met Ginny a few years ago while researching homelessness in Seattle. He was drawn to her tired but resilient demeanor as she juggled multiple responsibilities at a men’s shelter called Lazarus Day Center, run by Catholic Community Services.

Years later, Eric reached out to Ginny again and discovered her incredible life story. Born to a mother battling addiction and mental illness and a father imprisoned for armed robberies, Ginny’s childhood was far from ideal. She was introduced to drugs at a young age, and her life spiraled out of control. She faced addiction, abusive relationships, and a life on the streets where she resorted to robbing drug dealers to support her habit.

But Ginny’s story doesn’t end there. She realized she needed to break free from the destructive cycle, but it wasn’t easy. She spent time in prison, battled relapse, and hit rock bottom. However, her determination to turn her life around led her to the Drug Diversion Court program, where she underwent rehabilitation and treatment.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Ginny dedicated herself to social service work at the Post Prison Education Program. The experience ignited her passion for learning and inspired her to pursue an education. She enrolled in classes at South Seattle College and eventually applied to the University of Washington, where she was awarded a Martin Honor Scholarship.

At the age of 47, Ginny fearlessly pursued her dreams and studied political science at the University of Washington. She excelled in her studies and recently shared a powerful comparison of her past and present. One photo shows her at her lowest point in a mugshot from 2005, while the other captures her radiant smile in her graduation cap.

Ginny’s message is clear: age, past mistakes, and setbacks should never hinder our pursuit of success. She has proven that with determination and resilience, we can achieve anything. Her story serves as a beacon of hope for others who may be facing their own battles.

Ginny’s ultimate goal is to help others recover their own lives and create hope. She dreams of opening a café and garden someday, but for now, she will continue to inspire and make a difference.

Ginny’s story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power to overcome even the most challenging circumstances. Let us celebrate her incredible accomplishments and share her story with others who may need a ray of hope in their lives.

Ginny's Journey

What a breathtakingly beautiful story of resilience and triumph! Ginny’s journey reminds us that it is never too late to turn our lives around. Let us come together and congratulate Ginny on her incredible achievements.

Please leave a comment on our Facebook page to show your support for Ginny. Share this article with your friends and loved ones, so that more people can be inspired by her story of hope and determination.

Together, let’s spread the message that it’s never too late to overcome and achieve our dreams. Ginny, you are a true inspiration! Well done, and thank you for showing us the power of perseverance.