Imagine living in the same place for over two decades, paying rent faithfully every week. Now imagine finding out that the home you have been renting is actually yours. That’s exactly what happened to 75-year-old Jane Sayner from St. Albans, Melbourne. In a surprising turn of events, Jane discovered that her deceased landlord had left the property under her name.

Being a responsible tenant, Jane had been paying AUD$250 per week to her landlord, multimillionaire John Perrett. Little did she know that her dedication and loyalty would pay off in the most unexpected way. After John Perrett’s passing in September 2020, Jane and another long-term tenant were given ownership of their apartments. Jane, who had rented the two-bedroom apartment for years, suddenly became a proud property owner herself.

You might be wondering why John Perrett chose to leave his properties to his tenants instead of distributing them among his family or selling them off. Well, it turns out that John didn’t have any immediate family or close relatives. He was never married and had no children. Instead of hoarding his wealth, John decided to give back to his community. He left a substantial portion of his fortune, approximately AUD$18.6 million, to the Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Nephrology Department where he had received a life-saving kidney transplant. He even bequeathed one of his flats to the hospital, which was later sold for AUD$400,000.

Jane fondly remembers the moment John informed her about her new status as a property owner. “Then one day he just rang me and said, ‘My solicitor’s here, can you please give me your full name because I’m leaving you your unit.’ I thought I hadn’t heard it right. Surely not. For the whole time I had known him, (leaving all his money to charity) was always what he was going to do.”

Despite the initial shock and sadness of losing a friend, Jane couldn’t help but feel relieved and grateful that she finally had a place to call her own. Over the years, she had treated the apartment like her home, even transforming the backyard into a beautiful garden with lush plants and flowers. The love and care she had put into making the space her own had paid off in ways she could never have imagined.

Jane’s story is a reminder that life can take unexpected turns, bringing new beginnings when we least expect them. It’s also a testament to the power of generosity and the impact one person can have on the lives of others. So, next time you drive past your rental home, remember that it might not be just a temporary place of residence. It could be the start of a beautiful new chapter, just like Jane’s.

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