Haley rips Trump's age: 'There's a reason pilots can't fly after 65'

In a recent interview, Nikki Haley, a presidential hopeful, made a compelling argument about the age of both President Joe Biden, 81, and former President Donald Trump, 77. She compared their age to other careers that have age limits, such as pilots and military officers.

Nikki Haley told NewsNation in a Tuesday evening interview that Donald Trump and Joe Biden are too old for office as addressed their risk of dementia

Haley also criticized Trump for being distracted by his lawsuits and non-campaign-related ventures, like his expensive golden sneakers.

Haley’s concern about age comes in light of growing doubts about Biden’s fitness for office. A recent DOJ report described him as an “elderly man” with a “poor memory” and “diminished faculties.” Haley pointed out that as people get older, the risk of dementia increases, and that’s why certain professions have age limits.

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According to Haley, Americans are yearning for a return to normalcy and stability. They want leaders who prioritize the well-being of the country instead of personal interests. She believes that both Biden and Trump’s behaviors are not normal, citing examples such as Biden’s open border policies and focus on gender pronouns, as well as Trump’s mocking of military members.

While questioning the age of both candidates, Haley also raised concerns about Trump’s priorities. She highlighted his numerous lawsuits and the significant amount of money he spends on his legal battles. She criticized Trump for not focusing on the American people and instead being consumed by his personal affairs.

President Joe Biden, 81, has faced increasing questions over his fitness for office after a DOJ report described him as an 'elderly man' with a 'poor memory' and 'diminished faculties.'

Haley’s remarks about Trump’s distractions became even more apparent when he unveiled his $399 pair of golden shoes at a sneaker conference. Instead of addressing pressing issues, Trump seemed preoccupied with his personal ventures.

In conclusion, Nikki Haley argues that both Biden and Trump are too old for office, emphasizing the importance of having leaders who prioritize the well-being of the country and are not consumed by personal distractions and legal battles.