Oklahoma liquor store faced backlash over ‘offensive’ sign in their window

In today’s world, it seems like people can find a reason to be offended by just about anything. While there are definitely positive changes happening, where certain norms are rightfully being challenged, there are instances where we may be going a bit too far in our need to police each other.

This was highlighted recently when a liquor store in Oklahoma faced backlash over a sign they displayed in their shop window. The sign read: “Pull your pants up or don’t come in. Try to have some decency and respect for others. No one wants to see your underwear.” Now, this may not seem particularly offensive on the surface. It doesn’t attack any specific group or discriminate based on political or religious views.

However, the sign managed to draw the ire of some individuals who felt that the store had no right to dictate what people should wear. The controversy quickly spread online, with people passionately debating both sides of the issue.

Chad Gilbert, one of the store’s managers, defended the sign by explaining, “I realize wearing pants low is a fashion statement for some, but it doesn’t work for me and I find it somewhat offensive.” Another employee mentioned that people with sagging pants often find it easier to steal bottles.

While the debate continues, it’s important to consider whether the liquor store was in the wrong for displaying the sign or if people are blowing the issue out of proportion. We value your opinion, so let us know what you think in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this article on Facebook to help us promote healthy discussions.

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