Optical illusion reveals if you are too self critical

Are you ready to put your perception to the test? Optical illusions have a unique way of tricking our minds and making us see things that aren’t really there. They have become quite popular for this reason. But have you ever wondered why different people perceive the same things in different ways? It’s because the human mind is incredible and works in mysterious ways. Our perception of the world is shaped by our own unique experiences and perspectives. This is also true when it comes to optical illusions.

Recently, a TikTok user named Mia Yillin (@mia_yillin) shared an optical illusion that sparked quite a stir. It got people thinking and questioning their own levels of self-criticism. So, let’s dive into this intriguing illusion and see what it reveals about you.

Optical Illusion
Image Credits: TikTok | @mia_yillin

How Self-Critical Are You?

Take a close look at the image above. Can you spot the two hidden images? The first one is of a crow perched on top of a rock, and the second one shows a face made from small rocks stacked on top of each other. What did you notice first?

According to Mia, the interpretation of this illusion depends on what you see initially. Let’s explore the meanings behind each perception:

The Crow:

If the crow caught your attention first, you might have a reputation for being judgmental. But before you jump to conclusions, Mia explains that this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a bad person. It simply suggests that you tend to form strong opinions about others almost unintentionally. On the bright side, your intuition is remarkably strong, and many times, your suspicions and assumptions turn out to be true.

The Face:

If the face was the first thing you noticed, it suggests that you might be quite self-critical. This self-criticism acts as a defense mechanism for you, stemming from a deep fear of being disliked or rejected by those around you. Mia advises those who relate to this perception to make a conscious effort to overcome self-critical thoughts. Don’t let them hinder your journey of self-discovery and prevent you from becoming the person you truly want to be.

As always, the internet was quick to respond with their opinions on Mia’s interpretations. Some agreed wholeheartedly, while others had different perspectives.

Internet User agreed with Mia's interpretations

Internet User disagreed with Mia's interpretations

While it’s interesting to see the variety of responses, what truly matters is how the optical illusion made you reflect on your own level of self-criticism.

So, what did you see first? Share this optical illusion with your family and friends and discover how differently we all perceive the world around us.

Let’s challenge our minds and embrace the fascinating ways in which we perceive the world!

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