Look closely! Optical illusions have the power to trick our minds and make us see things that aren’t really there. They can also reveal a lot about how we perceive the world around us. Today, we have an interesting optical illusion that can determine just how self-critical you are. Let’s take a closer look.

Optical illusion reveals if you are too self critical

The Power of Optical Illusions

The human mind is truly incredible and works in mysterious ways. Different people can look at the same image and see completely different things. And that is why optical illusions are so popular. They challenge our perception and make us question our own judgment.

Decode the Illusion

In this particular optical illusion, there are two hidden images. The first image is of a crow perched on top of a rock. The second image shows a face made out of small rocks stacked on top of each other. What did you see first?

The Crow: A Judgmental Perspective

If the crow caught your attention first, it may indicate that you tend to be judgmental. But don’t worry, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It means you have strong opinions about others, even if you don’t consciously realize it. Trust your intuition because most of the time, it proves to be true.

The Face: A Self-Critical Nature

If you first noticed the face made of rocks, it suggests that you are quite self-critical. This is often a defense mechanism due to a deep fear of being disliked or rejected by those around you. It’s important to be aware of these thoughts and not let them hinder you from becoming the person you truly want to be.

Opinions and Interpretations

As with any social media trend, opinions vary. People have different interpretations of this optical illusion. Some agree with these explanations, while others have different perspectives. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what resonates with you and how it aligns with your own experiences.

User agrees with interpretation

User disagrees with interpretation

Image Credits: TikTok | @mia_yillin

Share with Your Loved Ones

Now that you’ve learned about this intriguing optical illusion, why not share it with your family and friends on Facebook? It’ll be fun to see what they notice first and how they interpret it.

Remember, optical illusions are not just a source of entertainment, but also an opportunity to discover something new about ourselves. Keep exploring, and you might be surprised at what you find!

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