Ozzy Osbourne, the legendary frontman of Black Sabbath, recently shared some personal insights about his ongoing health challenges and his outlook on life. Despite facing Parkinson’s disease and the consequences of a fall in 2019, the 74-year-old singer remains determined to make the most of his remaining time.

During a conversation with Rolling Stone UK, Ozzy revealed that he believes he may have around ten years left to live. Surprisingly, when he mentioned smoking a joint, his wife Sharon expressed concern, warning him that it could harm his health. Ozzy’s response was one of defiance, saying, “How long do you want me to live for?!” He understands that time seems to fly by faster as we grow older, and he recently celebrated his 41st wedding anniversary with Sharon, which he finds truly unbelievable.

Ozzy does not fear death itself, but he hopes to avoid a prolonged, painful, and miserable existence. He discussed the idea of having a terminal illness and how he might consider going to Switzerland for a quick resolution, drawing inspiration from his father’s experience with cancer.

In recent years, Ozzy has faced numerous health setbacks. The fall in 2019 led to multiple back surgeries, which unfortunately aggravated existing issues from a previous bike crash. During one of these surgeries, doctors also discovered a tumor. These challenges have taken a toll on the singer, leaving him with balance issues and enduring significant pain.

Despite all the hardships and the toll that his past struggles with drugs and alcohol have taken on his body, Ozzy recognizes that he has outlived many of his late friends. He credits his wife, Sharon, for her unwavering support during these tough times. Sharon has witnessed nearly five years of heartache and the pain Ozzy has endured through numerous surgeries. It’s a departure from his constant touring schedule, marking a significant change in their lives.

Still, Ozzy holds onto hope for one final performance. He takes each day as it comes and remains determined to get back on stage if his health allows it. Expressing a sense of farewell to his remarkable career, he admits that one of his greatest regrets is not having the chance to say goodbye or thank you to his fans. Ozzy’s goal is to do a few shows for his loyal supporters and express his gratitude. Even if regular performances become challenging, he hopes to be well enough for a single show to show his appreciation and bid farewell to his fans.

Ozzy Osbourne continues to inspire with his resilience and determination. Despite the challenges he faces, he remains grateful for the love and support he has received throughout his career. As he cherishes each moment, he reminds us all to live life to the fullest, no matter what obstacles come our way.