Dining out with kids can be a challenging experience for parents. Sometimes, children don’t behave properly, and it can ruin the dining experience for everyone. Recently, a couple claimed that they were fined for their children’s behavior at a restaurant. But is there more to the story? Let’s find out.

A Reddit user shared their unpleasant experience at the restaurant, stating, “The owner added $50 to my bill because of my children’s behavior… I was very disappointed.” Curious to know the other side of the story, a reporter reached out to the restaurant and interviewed the owner, Tim Richter. And what he revealed might surprise you.

Richter admitted that the restaurant had implemented a surcharge during the COVID-19 pandemic to cover extra costs. However, he clarified that they never charged anyone more than their actual bill recently. The owner explained that he had never enforced the surcharge until a few weeks ago when a family with nine children visited his establishment. The children were running around and causing a disturbance.

While Richter did warn the parents about their children’s behavior, he never actually charged them the extra money. “We want parents to be parents,” Richter simply stated. The restaurant, located by the tranquil Toccoa River in the mountains, usually hosts a calm clientele. It’s a popular joint, often packed with cars during mealtimes.

The restaurant’s policy shocked Laura Spillman, a visitor from Florida. She exclaimed, “That’s crazy! Are you serious? I don’t think it’s right because kids are adorable.” Another customer, Anne Cox, shared her perspective, suggesting that such a fee could encourage parents to teach their children better etiquette and behavior.

Cox commented, “Parents need to teach kids etiquette… They need to teach kids to behave. We share this world with others, so they should enjoy themselves in the right way.”

Federico Gambineri, dining with his toddler at the restaurant, expressed his surprise about the policy. He remarked, “This is the first time I’ve heard of that, and with a 20-month-old who isn’t always well-behaved, I hope I don’t get charged. If I were, I would be very unhappy about it and probably never recommend this place.”

Jack Schneider, a regular customer, admitted that he had never heard about this surcharge. He expressed mixed emotions, saying, “On one hand, we’ve all sat next to tables where we think, ‘Hey, do something about that kid.’ So, I believe it falls mostly on the parents.”

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