In a recent interview on “Good Morning America,” beloved “Wheel of Fortune” host Pat Sajak opened up about his frightening health scare and subsequent emergency surgery. Just a month ago, Sajak underwent an operation for a blocked bowel, an experience that left him fearing for his life.

It all started in November when Sajak felt a sudden, excruciating pain while out for a morning walk with his daughter. The pain only intensified as the day went on, and soon he found himself in the hospital, about to undergo a lifesaving surgery.

Describing the intensity of his pain, Sajak said, “I was lying on the bed in the fetal position, trying various medications to find relief. But nothing seemed to work.” It was a disheartening and overwhelming experience, until a medication miraculously took away the pain. Sajak recalls, “Suddenly, I was no longer thinking about the discomfort. Beautiful colors and peaceful thoughts flowed through me.”

During this surreal moment, Sajak could hear the voices of his wife and daughter, who were beside him, yet they sounded distant. “In that moment,” he reflected, “I couldn’t help but think, ‘Is this how death feels?’” He worried about his loved ones and the impact his potential death would have on them.

Fortunately, Sajak’s surgery was successful, and his worries about death were unfounded. With a lighthearted chuckle, he remarked, “Turns out, I was simply high from the medication!”

The doctors declared Sajak’s procedure a total success and found no underlying cause for the blockage. This means he can maintain his current lifestyle without any significant changes. Feeling healthier than ever, Sajak has returned to hosting “Wheel of Fortune” and is back in the studio, entertaining viewers with his signature charm.

During his recovery, co-host Vanna White took over the hosting duties, much to Sajak’s amusement. He teasingly expressed his concern that she might enjoy hosting too much and take over his role completely. “I’ve discovered she enjoys hosting, and I’m a little nervous,” he playfully admitted.

Despite the lighthearted banter, Sajak remains grateful for his role on “Wheel of Fortune” and is excited to continue entertaining audiences. “I may be back in action, but I’m still on my guard,” he quipped.

Watch the interview with Pat Sajak on Good Morning America for a firsthand account of his health scare and recovery journey.