We all did silly things as kids, but sometimes these innocent acts can have serious consequences. It’s important for children to learn when to say no to dangerous activities, even if they are pressured by their peers. Sadly, even intelligent youngsters can be convinced to participate in stunts that have dire outcomes.

Just ask Tyler Broome’s parents. Tyler, an 11-year-old, suffered horrific injuries after trying a YouTube craze called “the roundabout of death”. The name itself should give you a clue about how dangerous it is, but for Tyler, it was more about proving his fearlessness to his friends.

The craze involves sitting in the middle of a playground roundabout while it’s spun at high speed using the rear wheel of a motorcycle. It may sound thrilling, but the consequences can be catastrophic. Tyler experienced extreme gravitational force, similar to what pilots and astronauts encounter.

Shortly after participating in this dangerous stunt, Tyler was found unconscious near the roundabout. He was left with possible damage to his brain and vision, resembling injuries seen in fighter pilots. The G-force he experienced was something no child should have to endure.

Tyler’s mother, Dawn, shared her terrifying ordeal. Tyler was at a local park with a friend when they were approached by a group of older teenagers who dared them to join in the game. Dawn expressed her concern, saying, “I don’t recognize my child – he is on the verge of having a stroke. Tyler sat on the roundabout, and the boy who came over was about 17. Tyler doesn’t know him, they are not friends. He puts his motorbike on the floor, gets the roundabout spinning at such a speed. When they all stopped, the group just cleared off – it is bullying.”

Hospital staff had never seen injuries like Tyler’s before. They had to conduct research before they could provide treatment. The severity of his injuries was shocking. Tyler’s head swelled up, his blood vessels burst, and his eyes appeared alien-like. His vision was blurry, and he couldn’t remember the details of the incident.

This story serves as a strong warning for parents. Children are easily influenced and may be tempted to try dangerous activities that adults would avoid. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tyler and his family. Let’s spread the message about the dangers of this incredibly risky game. Share this story with others to raise awareness and prevent more children from getting hurt.