Reese Witherspoon isn’t afraid to enjoy the simple pleasure of eating freshly fallen snow. The actress recently shared a TikTok video where she showed off her recipe for “Chococinnos” using snow as an ingredient. However, not everyone was on board with her choice.

In the video, Witherspoon explained that she had a lot of snow in Nashville, where she spends part of her time. She decided to make a delicious treat using cold brew, salted caramel syrup, chocolate syrup, and freshly fallen snow. While some viewers found it intriguing, others expressed concern about the safety of consuming snow.

Witherspoon, being her cheerful self, responded to the skeptics by showcasing a cup of perfectly clear liquid, proving that the snow she used was safe. In a follow-up video, she unabashedly laughed at the comments and questioned whether there was something wrong with eating snow.

Despite the criticism, Witherspoon had her fair share of supporters. One commenter mentioned that while fallen snow can be dirty, it’s a nostalgic and fun experience to indulge in. Witherspoon wholeheartedly agreed and emphasized the “you only live once” mentality.

The actress continued to address the skeptics in subsequent videos. When someone expressed concern about getting sick, Witherspoon reminded them that not everything needs to be filtered or sanitized. She playfully recounted her childhood memories of drinking tap water and even drinking from a garden hose during hot summers.

With a light-hearted tone, Witherspoon quipped that maybe her unconventional childhood habits influenced her willingness to eat snow without filtering it. Filtering snow just wasn’t something she knew how to do or even felt the need to do.

In the end, Reese Witherspoon teaches us a valuable lesson about enjoying life’s simple pleasures and not sweating the small stuff. After all, sometimes it’s the carefree moments, like eating snow, that create the most cherished memories.