Sam Neill Remembers Robin Williams: The Funniest and Saddest Person I Ever Met

The world lost a true treasure on the day that Robin Williams left us. A beloved comedian and entertainer like no other, Williams tragically took his own life in 2014, following a wrongful diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. As we approach a decade without him, it becomes increasingly difficult to accept that we will never again experience the genius of films like Jumanji and Mrs. Doubtfire. Williams’ passing has created a void in the entertainment industry that can never be filled, leaving millions across the world deeply touched by his absence.

In his memoir, Did I Ever Tell You This?, actor Sam Neill reveals heartfelt insights into his personal relationship with the late Robin Williams. The two stars became close friends while working together on the film Bicentennial Man in 1999. Neill, who recently disclosed that he has been battling stage three cancer, describes Williams as the “funniest” and “saddest” person he had ever met.

According to Neill, their conversations extended beyond their work on set: “We would talk about this and that, sometimes even about the work we were about to do.” Williams’ immense talent for humor is praised by Neill, who describes him as “irresistibly, outrageously, irrepressibly, gigantically funny.” However, hidden beneath his comedic facade, Neill also witnessed a profound pain within his co-star.

In his memoir, Neill shares his heartfelt observations: “He had fame, he was rich, people loved him, great kids—the world was his oyster. And yet I felt more sorry for him than I can express. He was the loneliest man on a lonely planet.” Neill sensed a deep solitude and depression within Williams, asserting that he could detect a “dark space inside from the minute he flung open the door.”

Robin Williams’ battle against forces determined to destroy his life is undeniable. Although he was initially diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2014, it was later discovered, after his passing, that he had been suffering from Lewy body dementia. Susan Schneider Williams, his wife since 2011, revealed the harrowing truth: “Nearly every region of his brain was under attack. He experienced himself disintegrating.” Lewy body dementia proved to be an incurable disease, leaving Robin’s brain devastated. Despite it all, his heart remained strong.

Robin Williams’ struggles continue to break our hearts anew with each passing story. A great man and an immensely inspiring individual, he left an indelible mark on our lives. Share your thoughts and memories about the remarkable Robin Williams in the comments. If you found this article interesting, let your friends on Facebook know about it.