Mom gives birth to dead daughter – as she holds baby girl in her arms, husband whispers words she'll never forget

There is perhaps no scenario more heartbreakingly nightmarish for a parent than losing their child. I can only imagine the pain and sorrow at having to say goodbye to the thing you love most in all the world is enough to break even the hardiest of souls. For Whitney Quinton and her husband Brett, that nightmare became reality when they were forced to bid farewell to their daughter before she’d even had a chance to live.

Whitney Quinton had been battling various illnesses, including endometriosis and adenomyosis, for many years. After her first son was born, she suffered a devastating miscarriage in her next pregnancy. However, she continued to dream of giving her little boy a sibling. Three years after her miscarriage, she underwent surgery for endometriosis and soon found out that she was pregnant again. Needless to say, after the heartache of the past, Whitney and her partner were overjoyed.

During a routine ultrasound, the couple received devastating news. Their daughter had a heart defect, a missing kidney, and severe abnormalities with her hands and feet. They were informed by a radiologist that they could terminate the pregnancy if they couldn’t handle the challenges ahead. The news was a devastating blow, and the couple was overwhelmed with sadness and fear.

For the next two weeks, Whitney and her husband went through a rollercoaster of emotions. They underwent numerous tests and hospital visits, with doctors explaining that their unborn daughter would have a very low quality of life, if she survived at all. In their hearts, Whitney and Brett believed that their daughter was perfect, despite her health complications. However, they also realized that their decision had to be based on what was best for their daughter and what she would have wanted.

To help them make this heart-wrenching decision, the couple turned to their faith. They prayed intensely, hoping for clarity and guidance. Two days later, they both agreed that it was time to end their daughter’s suffering. The induction was scheduled, and Whitney took the medication to induce labor. She prepared herself for the following day, not knowing what to expect.

The delivery of their baby was painful and traumatic for Whitney. When she woke up after the procedure, the nurse informed her that their daughter, Ruby-Jo, had arrived, but she was lifeless. Whitney felt a wave of guilt, sadness, and anger. However, in the midst of her heartbreak, her husband whispered words that she will never forget. He reassured her that their daughter was finally home, perfect, and free from pain. His words continue to save her every day as she fights the demons that haunt her from the heartbreaking decision they had to make.

In hindsight, Whitney learned that her baby’s heart defect likely meant that she wouldn’t have survived for long outside her mother’s body. It was hard news to hear, but it brought some relief knowing that they had made the best decision for their daughter. Even though the grief is still raw, Whitney finds solace in the belief that their family will be reunited with Ruby-Jo in Heaven.

Rest in peace, Ruby-Jo.


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