Simon Cowell, the well-known TV producer and judge on talent shows like The X Factor and America’s Got Talent, is known for his tough and critical persona. However, behind the scenes, Cowell is a loving father who wants to leave a meaningful legacy for his son, Eric.

In a surprising move, Cowell recently revealed that he will not be passing down his estimated $600 million net worth to his son. Instead, he plans to donate it all to charity. This decision reflects his belief in not perpetuating generational wealth and his desire to make a positive impact in the world.

Cowell, who became a father in 2014, has experienced a significant transformation since the birth of his son. He acknowledges that his perspective on life and wealth has changed, leading him to prioritize giving back rather than accumulating more for his family.

“I don’t believe in passing down from generation to generation,” Cowell stated in an interview. “I’m going to leave my money to someone. Maybe a charity — kids and dogs.” He believes that leaving a legacy of opportunity and education for his son is more valuable than a large inheritance. He wants Eric to build his own success and understand the importance of hard work.

While Cowell hasn’t decided on the specific charities he will donate to, he mentioned that it will most likely be organizations focused on helping children or animals. His intention is to support causes that make a difference in the lives of those in need.

It’s worth noting that Cowell is not the only celebrity who has made such a decision. Anderson Cooper, the renowned television anchor, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates have also expressed similar intentions. They believe in using their wealth to address pressing global issues like poverty and education.

These celebrities, and many others, understand the value of teaching their children the importance of working hard, rather than relying on inherited wealth. They want their children to be responsible, independent individuals who appreciate the value of money and opportunities. By not leaving huge sums of money to their children, they hope to instill a sense of responsibility and drive.

Instead of leaving vast fortunes, many wealthy individuals opt to provide for their children’s education or establish trusts that release money gradually. This ensures that their children are cared for without discouraging their own ambition and motivation.

Ultimately, the decision of how to pass on wealth is a personal one. Whether leaving millions or a modest sum, every parent wants to create children who are humble, hardworking, and grateful for the privileges they have. It’s about instilling values and teaching the true meaning of wealth.