Jackson Bezzant, a cheerful young boy who enjoys fishing, being outdoors, and spending time with his family, may appear to be a typical elementary-aged child. However, Jackson is different. He was born with Treacher-Collins syndrome, a condition that affects the growth of facial tissue and bones. As a result, he has undergone surgeries to reconstruct his eye socket and experiences almost complete deafness.

The Pain of Bullying

Unfortunately, Jackson’s appearance has made him a target for constant bullying at school, causing him and his father, Dan, immense pain. Dan, a devoted father, has often witnessed his son being tormented by bullies. He vividly recalls the hurtful comments made by a passerby who referred to Jackson as a “monster.” Despite his own devastation, Dan focused on keeping his son happy and grounded.

The Breaking Point

Recently, a heartbreaking incident occurred at school involving older boys taunting Jackson. Three boys approached Jackson while he was eating breakfast in the school cafeteria, mocking him and calling him names like “ugly” and “monster.” Helpless, Jackson endured the taunting until a teacher’s assistant stepped in to stop it. This incident was the tipping point for Dan. He could no longer remain silent.

A Powerful Stand Against Bullying

Filled with a mix of heartbreak and determination, Dan turned to social media to share an emotional message denouncing the bullies. In his heartfelt Facebook post, he revealed the pain his young son endures on a daily basis. Jackson’s classmates regularly called him hurtful names, and he even mentioned thoughts of suicide at such a tender age. Dan urged parents to teach their children about disabilities, empathy, and the importance of kindness.

Shifting the Responsibility

Instead of blaming the school or the teachers, Dan placed the blame exactly where it belonged – on the parents. He called upon them to instill kindness, compassion, and acceptance in their children. Dan hoped that by sharing his experience, other parents would understand his pain and take a stand against bullying.

The Power of Awareness

Jackson’s story touched hearts, and his community responded with an outpouring of support. Students from Jackson’s school reached out to him, offering friendship and protection. Thanks to Dan’s powerful words, Jackson even connected with two other children who share Treacher Collins syndrome. They will soon embark on a playdate together. Overwhelmed by the support, Dan set up a PO box to receive letters and cards for Jackson, and the response has been incredible.

Join the Movement Against Bullying

Reading about Dan’s heartfelt plea and the abuse Jackson endured broke my heart. Bullying should never be tolerated. While it is true that many bullying incidents may be unintentional, it is essential to educate children about the impact of their words and actions. By spreading Jackson’s story, we can all contribute to a kinder and more compassionate society. Let us unite in our mission to put an end to bullying.