If you spot a rubber band on your front door handle, you need to know the sick thing it means

As we get older, the safety and security of ourselves and our loved ones become a top priority. Our homes have always been a sanctuary, offering us a sense of protection. That’s why it’s essential to be aware of the tactics criminals use to breach our homes.

One homeowner from Texas, Kim Fleming Cernigliaro, shared her harrowing experience on Facebook. In 2016, she encountered a frightening break-in attempt that left her shaken. After her ordeal, Kim felt it was important to warn others about a particular technique used by criminals.

One day, Kim heard an aggressive knock on her front door. It wasn’t just a regular knock, but more like a pounding. Concerned that someone needed help, she didn’t answer the door since she was alone at home. Luckily, she trusted her instincts, as something felt off.

After multiple insistent knocks, the person eventually left. Curious, Kim went outside to see if they had left a brochure. To her surprise, she found a rubber band wrapped around the doorknob. It was meant to hold the door open once she unlocked it. Alarmed by this discovery, Kim contacted the local sheriff, who informed her that this tactic was becoming disturbingly common in the area.

This method employed by criminals is sinister. They wait for you to unlatch the door, then forcefully barge in before you can even turn the doorknob. It’s a frightening thought, and it serves as a reminder to be cautious when answering the door to unexpected strangers.

The incident left Kim feeling betrayed and no longer as trusting as before. It’s a sobering reminder that we can never be too careful when it comes to the safety of our homes and ourselves.

Rubber Band Trick

To know more about this dangerous rubber band trick, watch the enlightening video below:


Please share this article with your friends and family to spread awareness and keep everyone safe. Stay vigilant!

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