76-year-old Susan Sarandon criticized for her clothing – has the perfect response for haters

Susan Sarandon, the iconic actress of our time, has never been one to hold back. Not only does she dominate the screen, but she also fearlessly speaks her mind in real life. And when people started questioning her choices, she had the perfect response to silence the haters.

A Career Worth Celebrating

Susan Sarandon in movie scenes

Susan Sarandon has had an illustrious career in Hollywood and continues to shine. Her role as Janet Weiss in the cult classic musical film “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” solidified her position as a talented actress. From there, she went on to star in numerous beloved movies, including the unforgettable “Thelma & Louise.” Her performance in the latter even earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Eventually, she took home an Academy Award for her remarkable portrayal in “Dead Man Walking.”

Embracing Body Positivity

Susan Sarandon on the red carpet

Sarandon has always been a champion of body positivity, expressing herself fearlessly through her fashion choices. Unapologetic and outspoken, she makes sure her voice is heard when it comes to the causes she supports.

During a red carpet event, the actress donned a white jacket with a black bra, raising some eyebrows. One journalist even went so far as to call her outfit “totally inappropriate.” But rather than engaging in a verbal battle, Sarandon had a more powerful way to respond. She shared an old picture of herself proudly displaying her figure in underwear. She let the picture speak for itself, proving that what is deemed “appropriate” is entirely up to her.

Ageless Attitude and Beauty Secrets

Sarandon has no qualms about aging and focuses on what truly matters to her. In an interview, she explained, “When your sense of time has an ending and isn’t finite, like how it feels when you’re young.” She continued, “When you have an understanding that time is precious, you tend not to waste energy on trivial matters and instead surround yourself with vital, curious, brave, and adventurous people.”

When it comes to maintaining her beauty, Sarandon keeps it simple. “If you want to age gracefully, laugh a lot, exercise regularly, eat well, and stay out of the sun,” she advised. Of course, having an incredible makeup and hair team doesn’t hurt either.

A Truly Unique Individual

Susan Sarandon is undoubtedly one-of-a-kind. She dances to the beat of her own drum, paying no heed to negative opinions. What do you think of her response to the haters? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this inspiring story with your friends and family, so they too can learn a thing or two from Susan Sarandon.