He made it his 75th birthday because of his 'lifesaver' wife, who changed his life

Ted Danson, the legendary actor known for his charming characters on screen, has battled illness in his personal life with the support of his loving wife. Let’s dive into Ted Danson’s life and discover how love played a crucial role in saving him from ruin.

A Brilliant Actor and a Lifetime Love

Ted Danson, who recently celebrated his 75th birthday, has captivated audiences with his roles in shows like “Cheers,” “Three Men and a Baby,” and “The Good Place.” But it’s his real-life love story with Mary Steenburgen that truly touches our hearts.

The couple has been married for over 22 years, yet their love continues to flourish as if they were newlyweds. Danson describes his wife as a remarkable human being and feels incredibly blessed to be madly in love with her.

The Lifesaving Practice of Transcendental Meditation

In 1995, when Danson and Steenburgen got together, she introduced him to transcendental meditation. Little did they know that this practice would become a lifeline for Danson in the years to come.

As life got more complicated and stressful with age, Danson found solace in meditation. He even refers to it as a lifesaver. This daily routine of silent meditation and repeating mantras has helped him combat the symptoms of his arthritis, which currently has no cure.

Finding What Really Matters in Life

Beyond the physical benefits, meditation has also given Ted Danson a new perspective on life. It has allowed him to be present with his granddaughters, cherish moments with his wife, and embrace love and authenticity.

Having met on the set of a film in 1983, Danson and Steenburgen’s relationship took time to blossom. They were both married to other people at the time and decided to remain single. However, fate had different plans for them.

In 1993, while working on another project together, they reconnected and couldn’t ignore their deep connection. Despite believing that Danson was complicated, Steenburgen took a chance. And after a canoe and picnic trip to Mendocino, California, their love became undeniable.

Over 20 years later, Danson and Steenburgen are still head over heels for each other. Their love story proves that sometimes it takes time to find the right person, but when you do, it’s worth the wait.

Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen

As fans of Ted Danson, we are delighted to witness the love and happiness that he has found with his wife. Their story is a reminder that true love can change lives and bring immense joy. Share this heartwarming tale with your friends and family who also admire Ted Danson’s talent and admire the power of love.