It’s hard to believe it’s been 16 years since we lost Steve Irwin.

The zookeeper changed the game in terms of how the world perceived hazardous animals. He was a pioneer in his industry, and the world lost a truly decent human being when he died at the age of 44 while doing what he loved.

Now, more than a decade later, his wife Terri Irwin has opened up about a statement Steve once made to her that may surprise some…

Terri recently agreed to an interview with the Australian television show “Anh’s Brush With Fame,” only for the conversation to take an unexpected turn.

Terri responded to the interviewer’s question on Steve’s sudden death, saying, “He never thought he’d have a long life.” He always had the feeling his life will be cut short.”

Unfortunately, Steve was correct in his prognosis. The popular TV personality was killed by a sting ray barb while filming “Ocean’s Deadliest” in Queensland, Australia.

Terri was ordered to contact her zoo manager after the event. She recalls the moment she learned her husband had died.

“I just remember this incredible sense of responsibility, this overwhelming sense of grief, but ‘what do I do now?’” I sort of gathered my thoughts and then had to go out to the car and inform Bindi and Robert… which was quite difficult.”

Terri acknowledges that as word of Steve’s death spread, she was taken aback by the outpouring of love.

“No one would’ve been more surprised than Steve at the outpouring of grief and love,” she said.

Steve has never heard the term “famous.” I liked that about him because he was never pretentious or self-important, and we put all we made for wildlife and still do back into conservation, which I’m very proud of.”

When word of Steve’s death spread, media outlets were quick to distribute it around the world. Millions of people were left to mourn the national treasure, who was known for his unwavering dedication to promoting animal education and awareness.

We may have moved on, but we will never forget Steve Irwin.

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