Raising children these days can be quite a task, as young parents not only have to handle the challenges of parenting but also face criticism from strangers on the internet. One young father, Jordan Driskell, found himself in the midst of controversy when he decided to use leashes on his 5-year-old quintuplets.

Taking care of five children of the same age is no easy feat, especially when they’re curious and love to explore. Driskell, a 31-year-old dad, purchased leashes meant for children in order to keep his energetic little ones under control when they are out in public.

Previously, the family used a 6-seat stroller to accommodate their large brood. However, this proved to be tiresome and inconvenient, as the kids would get bothered while inside the stroller. Driskell wanted his kids to have the freedom to wander and explore their surroundings, while still keeping them safe and not losing sight or control of them.

A video of the family’s outing to the aquarium, where the children were on leashes, went viral and received over 3 million views. Unfortunately, it also attracted negative feedback from hundreds of people who believed that using leashes on children was treating them like animals. Some even went as far as criticizing the parents for having too many children or suggesting that they should just train their kids better.

However, Dr. Deborah Gilboa, an expert in parenting and adolescent development, sees leashes as a helpful tool for younger children or neuro-diverse children in public environments. She believes that a leash does not make a child think they are an animal, and if the alternative is to stay at home, using a leash is a much better option.

Dr. Gilboa does point out that if a child is neurotypical and hasn’t developed proper listening skills by the age of eight or nine, relying on a leash may be problematic. By that age, parents should be able to effectively communicate with their child verbally, without the need for tools like leashes.

Ultimately, parents should have the freedom to parent their children in the way they see fit, without facing unnecessary judgment from society. It’s important to recognize that every family and child is different, and what works for one may not work for another. Instead of jumping to conclusions or passing judgment, let’s strive to be understanding and supportive of each other’s parenting choices.

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