Age of Keith Grant is 19. She resides in Northern Ireland’s sleepy village of Cookstown. Despite having Down syndrome, Kate won the «teenager» division of the beauty competition dubbed Greatest Beauty Of The World.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation («make a wish») is in charge of organizing the contest. There are numerous nominations, including those for «Miss Charity» in addition to the three traditional competitions for teenagers, kids under 14 years old, and adults.

Any willing girl who is chosen in her country is eligible to compete, regardless of her height, weight, or other physical characteristics.

Kate works as a model, despite having little prior experience. She occasionally did commercial filming, but last year she made the decision to enter the foundation’s competition in Northern Ireland, where she unexpectedly took home the prize.

Naturally, none of this would have been possible without her mother Deirdre Grant’s unwavering assistance. Kate’s mother made sure she not only graduated from school successfully but also never felt imperfect or wrong.

Mom describes how the doctors’ gloomy prognoses for Kate’s future.

The doctor drew really depressing illustrations. He predicted that she would never be able to read and that she would struggle to talk and carry on meaningful discussions. While I listened to her acceptance speech after winning the competition, I couldn’t help but think about him. She expressed her expectations for a diverse society where everyone would be treated equally.

Deirdre was initially met with a lot of opposition when she recognized Kate had the makings of a model. The woman was undoubtedly prepared for them. Kate herself is another factor. Although the rejections were terrible for her, becoming a model was her idea and her dream.

Dirdre established a Facebook page and added her resume to it. Tailo-Ray Hamilton, the director and coordinator of a beauty contest supported by the Make-A-Wish Foundation, saw him there. He personally wrote Kate and asked her to take part. The dream has now materialized.

Kate claimed that competing in beauty pageants and the modeling industry is how she plans to make a difference in the world in an interview with Fixers, a social media platform for young people.

The way that society views people with impairments must be changed. There is no inequality. And commerce ought to be accessible to all.

She believes that having a modeling career is not only entirely acceptable for someone with Down syndrome, but also something she wants to do for a living.

I adore modeling. I enjoy doing cosmetics and hair. Even during Belfast Fashion Week, I performed in shows. I want to demonstrate to others that they, too, can accomplish and be whatever they desire.

Kate currently controls her own Facebook page, where she has amassed close to 600 friends.

Kate will work in social services in the future, including the fund. She has already set up a drive to collect toys for low-income kids who spend a lot of time in Belfast’s Queen Victoria Hospital. She will be one of the beauty contest judges the following year.

But her major goal is to continue setting a positive example for all children and teenagers, regardless of their traits.