Becoming a parent is a life-changing moment that stays with you forever. The responsibility of nurturing and supporting a unique individual is both a privilege and a challenge. Imagine the incredible story of Adriana Iliescu, who became a mother at the age of 66. Her journey is an inspiration that defies age and societal expectations.

When Adriana gave birth to her daughter Eliza in 2005, the world took notice. She instantly became the oldest mother on record, making headlines and earning a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. The joy Adriana felt at that moment was immeasurable.

Seventeen years later, new pictures of Adriana and Eliza have captured the attention once again. Their bond as mother and daughter is evident, and their story resonates with anyone who believes that age should never limit the ability to love and care for a child.

Adriana faced significant challenges and social rejection after she became a mom at 66. People criticized her, calling her selfish and too old. But Adriana remained undeterred by the negativity. In an interview, she said, “The mirror may be unkind to women, but in terms of energy, I feel like a young woman. I am healthier than women more than half my age.”

Adriana even considered having another child, as medical advancements had made it possible. However, she was in no rush and wanted to focus on giving her best to Eliza. Despite the skepticism surrounding her age, Adriana is a dedicated and loving mother. She doesn’t smoke or drink, and she believes she has much to offer Eliza, even at her advanced age.

Becoming a mother was not something Adriana had planned earlier in life. As a young newlywed, she focused on her career as a university teacher. But as she aged, the desire to have a child grew stronger. Unfortunately, in-vitro fertilization was not available when she was younger. It was only when she was 57 that she had access to the treatment in Romania.

Adriana’s path to motherhood was not without obstacles. She faced judgment and rejection from people who believed she was morally wrong. Yet, her determination never wavered. With the help of a doctor in Bucharest, Adriana underwent treatment and became pregnant with triplets. Regrettably, two of the babies passed away in the womb. Eliza, born prematurely, was the only survivor and spent an extended period in the NICU.

Adriana’s strong faith led her to want to baptize Eliza. However, she faced resistance and judgment from religious organizations. Despite the criticism, Adriana believes her daughter is a gift from God, and her love and devotion to Eliza have never wavered.

Today, at the age of 83, Adriana is still an active writer, having published over 25 books for children. She continues to work as a part-time lecturer in Bucharest and shows no signs of slowing down. Adriana’s dedication to her craft and her role as a mother is a testament to her vitality and love.

Adriana has made arrangements for Eliza’s future by entrusting her to the doctor who assisted with her IVF treatment. While Adriana maintains her privacy regarding their family life, it is clear that Eliza has a bright future ahead. A talented student who has won awards, Eliza follows in her mother’s academic footsteps and dreams of attending college.

Looking at the bond between Adriana and Eliza, it’s evident that a person’s age does not define their ability to be a loving and devoted parent. Adriana Iliescu’s story is a testament to the power of love and defying societal expectations. It serves as a reminder that being a good parent transcends age and that the joy of motherhood knows no boundaries.

Adriana and Eliza