If you see your child covering their nose in group photos, you had better know what it means

I wouldn’t describe myself as old in the grand scheme of things, but sometimes the internet makes me feel aged and out of touch. Maybe you can relate? It’s like reading a language I can barely understand, only to realize it’s actually English, just with the hip, new slang that kids are using these days. And then there are the online trends that come and go so quickly, leaving me wondering when and where I got left behind.

Some trends are positive and charitable, like the ALS ice bucket challenge. They encourage people to make a difference in the world. But others may not be so beneficial or even downright dangerous (remember the tide-pod challenge?). And now, there’s a new trend on the rise, particularly among young people in group photos.

Dubbed ‘nose covering’, this trend involves people using their hand to cover their noses in photos, effectively hiding a large portion of their faces. Sounds strange, right? Well, it is. But that doesn’t make it any less real.

Some internet users speculated that the trend might be some kind of secret signal, but the explanation is much simpler. British parenting expert Amanda Jenner explains that teenagers use this technique as a way to remove themselves from the photo without upsetting their parents. It’s a big deal for them, as they might have issues with their appearance or lack self-confidence.

Teenage girl covering her nose in a group photo

Jenner further explains that ‘nose covering’ may also be important for teenagers who are afraid of having their photos shared online by their peers. The fear of humiliation and hurtful comments can greatly affect their self-confidence and lead to other issues.

If you’re a parent and you see your children engaging in this practice, remember that it’s a normal part of growing up. Teenagers are seeking independence and trying to establish personal boundaries. Supporting and understanding them during this phase is crucial.

So, have you noticed any children covering their noses in photos? Share your experiences in the comments below. And if you found this topic interesting, check out the articles listed below for more engaging reads:


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