Can you imagine going without a shower for 67 years? For most people, bathing is a regular part of their hygiene routine. But there are always exceptions, and Amou Haji was definitely one of them. This is a story of a man who lived life very differently from the rest of us.

Amou Haji, a hermit from Iran, made a conscious decision to forgo bathing for over 60 years. And believe it or not, he had his reasons for doing so. Born in 1928 in the village of Dez Gah, he had experienced a heartbreak that led him to become a loner. He eventually settled in a cinderblock home on the outskirts of the village, living a life untouched by modern conveniences.

While most people pay attention to their personal hygiene, Amou Haji had a different perspective. He didn’t concern himself with bathing or even washing his clothes. The only care he took was to burn off the hair on his head and beard with fire when they grew too long. This left his skin and hair with a uniform gray color.

Despite his unconventional lifestyle, Amou Haji lived to the ripe age of 94. Surprisingly, he seemed in reasonably good health, considering his questionable hygiene practices. He would drink up to 5 liters of water daily from a dirty tin can. His diet was also peculiar, as he preferred to scavenge for his food, with roadkill being his favorite. He would even consume the raw meat of roadkill, regardless of how rotten or old it was.

But that’s not all. Amou Haji was rumored to have some rather unusual habits. He smoked animal dung from a pipe and was even a fan of multiple cigarettes at a time. Despite these habits, he defied expectations with his overall health.

A few months before his passing, villagers managed to convince Amou Haji to take a bath. Shortly after, he succumbed to trichinosis, a food-borne parasite disease. Given his fondness for eating roadkill, this was not entirely surprising. However, his health had remained remarkably unaffected by his lifestyle choices.

Dr. Gholamreza Molavi at Tehran University of Medical Sciences School of Public Health conducted tests on Amou Haji before he passed away. While they discovered the presence of trichinosis, they also found that his overall health was surprisingly good.

Amou Haji’s life is undoubtedly fascinating, showcasing just how different one person’s choices can be from the rest of society. What did you think while reading about his life? Share your thoughts in the comments and spread the word about this extraordinary tale!