12 years ago in China, a man named Wang Shubao was in a horrible car crash, which left him in a coma for all of those 12 years. Until recently, when he came out of that coma. And there, right by his side, was the woman who had never left him during all that time…. his mom.

For 12 years, his mom had been there every day and night. When he finally awoke, she was there with tears streaming down her face. He was back although he still cannot speak.
75-year-old mother Wei Mingying had spent her entire life savings on her son’s medical care. The old woman was more than $23,000 in debt when he came out of the coma. There was no time when she thought about leaving him all alone.

During one period, Mingying had no money at all and did not eat anything for a month. She merely survived on water. Despite that, she would bathe her son and massage him so he would not get bedsores. She never gave up on him, though many others had. And for HER, it was all worth it.
“I am just overjoyed. I hope he will make a full recovery. I will never give up on him. I hope he can call me mom again one day.”, says the mother.