Olesia, like any other woman who wants a baby, was overjoyed to learn she was pregnant and couldn’t wait to go through this journey that would result in a baby. Such news is the most amazing thing a lady who wishes to have a child can hear.

Olesia attended every pregnancy control that she was required to attend. Everything appeared to be normal until the doctors informed her during one of the ultrasounds that she would give birth to a kid with abnormalities. Doctors informed her that the baby’s hands were not developing and that the organs were swollen. The parents were horrified to hear this news, but they never considered giving up the kid because they adored him.

The physicians were blunt with the expectant mother, telling her that she must accept that she will have to provide special care for the kid for the rest of her life, which can be too big of a commitment for anyone.

The woman also recalls being informed that she must consider very carefully about her decision since having a disabled kid will affect her life forever because she will have to care for the child permanently, and the child may experience various pains and will require constant medicine.

Olesia and Eugen, the baby’s parents, sought to avoid addressing these questions, saying only that their kid will be born and that they would make sure he had everything he needed. The doctor told them that it was their choice if they wanted to spend their entire lives this way, and then he gave them a paper with the ultrasound results as confirmation that the parents were informed of the child’s health problems, so that there would be no future complaints.

The parents were continually concerned about their child’s well-being, but they moved on and the months passed.

Eugen tried not to dwell too much about what the doctor said, especially because he didn’t want to worry his wife any further, so he chose to do something productive with his time. Eugen began preparing the child’s room so that it would be ready when they returned from the hospital with the baby.

When the baby showed signs of being ready to be born in December, the two future parents headed to the hospital, both impatient and emotional, to meet their child.

Olesia gave birth to a girl after 3 hours, and her hands were intact. Eugen was informed by the doctor that his baby girl had been born and was perfectly healthy. When Eugen heard the term “healthy,” he became trapped.

The baby, Nadejda, was perfectly healthy, but Olesia was diagnosed with a massive uterine fibroid.

This disease was responsible for the ultrasonography anomalies. Olesia was promptly operated on, and regrettably, all female organs had to be removed. These things, however, no longer mattered because their baby daughter had just been born and she was perfect.

The two parents are overjoyed that they made the right choice.

Here’s a picture of Nadejda the baby.