Tim Allen, a renowned actor in Hollywood, has shared that there is one person in the entertainment industry whom he trusts the most – his “Toy Story” co-star, Tom Hanks. Despite their differences on various issues, Allen deeply admires Hanks’ heart and mind.

The bond between these two actors goes beyond the screen. For over two decades, they have been meeting for lunch twice a year, starting from the time they worked together on the first “Toy Story” film. Allen jokingly compares their friendship to that of two older women, sitting close to each other at a booth.

Their friendship is not just about sharing meals. During the filming of “Toy Story 1,” Allen recalls an incident where Hanks grabbed fries from his plate. It was something Allen had never experienced before, especially coming from a background where such gestures were not expected.

Speaking about his relationship with Hanks, Allen says, “I don’t think I’ve ever trusted a human being as much as Tom to even listen to me, let alone listen to me.” Despite their differing perspectives on many issues, Hanks has shown Allen that he is a kind and understanding person who genuinely pays attention without passing judgment.

It is heartwarming to witness such a strong friendship between two likable individuals who have spent a significant amount of time in the limelight. The fact that Hanks and Allen have managed to avoid scandals throughout their successful careers speaks volumes about their moral character.

Tim Allen and Tom Hanks

Tim Allen and Tom Hanks in "Toy Story"

Tim Allen and Tom Hanks enjoying lunch

Tom Hanks and Tim Allen on the red carpet