Trump Demolishes Nikki Haley in Her Home State Primary

Former President Donald Trump has secured a major victory in the South Carolina Republican primary, surpassing his opponent, former Governor Nikki Haley, on her own turf. The race was called just after polls closed at 7 p.m., with the Associated Press relying on AP VoteCast, a survey of South Carolina Republican voters, to make the call.

Describing it as an even bigger win than expected, Trump addressed his supporters at a watch party in South Carolina, saying, “This is a fantastic evening. It’s an early evening,” as reported by USA Today. While the final numbers had not yet been tallied, Trump’s overwhelming victory was already evident.

According to an NBC News exit poll, Trump won the support of both men and women (68 percent and 62 percent, respectively), voters of all ages, those with and without college degrees, and self-identified Republicans (73 percent). This consistent success in the primary contests highlights Trump’s strong position within the party.

Trump’s triumph in South Carolina, a state that Haley governed for six years, is a significant blow to her campaign. With Super Tuesday just around the corner, which is known to be a critical day in the primary season, Haley has struggled to make a substantial impact on Trump’s path to the general election. Moreover, her own party seems determined to push her out of the race. However, Haley remains defiant, refusing to suspend her campaign and give Trump an uncontested nomination at the Republican National Convention in July.

Haley, in her determination to secure the nomination, has stepped up her attacks on Trump instead of bowing out gracefully. In a speech to South Carolina voters, she referred to him as “unhinged and unstable” while criticizing politicians who publicly support Trump while secretly dreading his impact on the party.

During the early stages of the primary, Haley managed to avoid drawing the full wrath of Trump’s campaign. However, as the field narrowed, Trump shifted his focus to completely dismantling Haley’s electoral momentum. He used strong language to discredit her, calling her “stupid” and claiming that her funding now comes from Democrats. Trump made it clear that anyone supporting Haley would be barred from the MAGA camp.

Leading up to the primary, Haley, who has positioned herself as a moderate on reproductive rights, endorsed a controversial Alabama Supreme Court ruling that recognizes embryos created through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) as legal persons. However, she later attempted to soften her stance in an interview with Newsmax. This adjustment was overshadowed by Trump’s statement urging the state to protect access to IVF.

During a Fox News town hall, Trump expressed confidence in his ability to secure a big win against Haley, stating that losing one’s home state should not happen. He questioned Haley’s reluctance to drop out of the race, suggesting that she doesn’t know how to do so.

Trump’s prediction came true, as he achieved a resounding victory in South Carolina. While Haley may continue to hold out hope for a miraculous turn of events that would revive her campaign, the reality is that her chances are slim. As of now, her campaign appears to be a lost cause.